Wednesday 01.02.19

For time:
15 burpees, jumping over the barbell
5 clean and jerks, max load
12 burpees, jumping over the barbell
4 clean and jerks, max load
9 burpees, jumping over the barbell
3 clean and jerks, max load

Compare to 12.26.16

Post time to comments.


  1. 7:14
    65# clean and jerk

  2. Diana juarez says:


    65lbs clean and jerks

  3. 6:56 with 20 lbs + 2 miles (27:36) elliptical

  4. 10:25. Did one-arm dumbbell c+j, 25# ea/arm, did one set per arm each round.

  5. Melorie P. says:

    45 min spin class

  6. 8:41
    Probably could have done 30# but haven’t lifted in about a year and a half or more so didn’t want to push it. I’ll go heavier next time for sure though.

  7. 7:32
    Modified burpees (pregnant)

  8. Larissa Ram says:

    11:46 run/walk mile

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