Friday 09.22.17

5 rounds for time of:
1 minute plank
12 knees to elbows
15 push-ups
12 dumbbell squat cleans, 10-15 lb dumbbells
Compare to 09.22.16

Post time to comments.


  1. 2 mile run
    13:25 4 rounds
    Abs are toast

  2. Tiffany Baugh says:

    17:30, I stink at knees to elbows, 10# squats

  3. 16:15
    KTE on floor
    X out push ups
    30# DBSC

  4. 16:14
    Planks are horrible! My core sucks so bad. Can hold for 20 seconds at the most and take a 10 second break and then up again. Awesome week! Definitely looking forward to a day of rest ?

  5. As rx’d 14:48
    Then 4 mile run @ 7:50 pace

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