Wednesday 09.06.17
7 rounds for time of:
7 Push-ups
7 Thrusters, 20 lbs
7 Burpees
7 Kettle bell swings, 20 lbs
7 Leg lifts
Compare to 09.06.16
Hiit Mama Amber using her youngest of 5 as a kettle bell in the park.
Amber and I have been friends since our 13 year olds were newborns and she has been a model of fitness ever since. She has been with me since the beginning of Hiit Mamas. Happy birthday Amber!
30# thrusters
20# KBS
15:12, girl push, 20# thrusters, 26# kbs
15 minutes.
Thanks for always challenging and inspiring me! I’ve been getting soft with my last knee injury but how can I pass up a workout dedicated to me?! 😉 Renewing my commitment to health today. 36 is going to be awesome 🙂
Girl push-ups, except 1st round.
20lbs on thrusters and kettle bell.
Great workout.
X push-ups
45# thrusters
25# KBS
30# thrusters
25# kb