
Wednesday 09.07.16


7 rounds for time of:
7 Push-ups
7 Thrusters, 20 lbs
7 Burpees
7 Kettle bell swings, 20 lbs 
7 Leg lifts

Compare to 09.07.15

Happy Birthday Amber!

Hiit Mama Amber using her youngest of 5 as a kettle bell in the park. 
Amber and I have been friends since our 12 year olds were newborns and she has been a model of fitness ever since. She has been with me since the beginning of Hiit Mamas. Happy birthday Amber!


  1. Modified to work some other muscle groups

    10 min ab routine

    Shoulder circuit- 3 rounds
    Lateral raise
    Front raise
    Overhead press
    "Chicken wings"

    5 rounds:
    7 pu (military w/ jump up and arms overhead to touch palms)
    7 45# front squat
    7 KBS – 20#
    7 leg raises
    14 mt climbers

    Followed with 3 rounds of same shoulder circuit.

  2. Back after a long absence!

    18 minutes. Planked during the burpees instead of pushups.

  3. 14:19
    All BPU (!!!)
    30# thrusters
    25# KB

    Vs 14:41 (9/7/15)
    4 rds BPU/3 rds GPU

    Vs 14:39 (9/8/14)
    2 rds BPU/5 rds GPU
    15# KB

    Whew! That's got my HR up!

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