Wednesday 08.16.17


Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of:
12 walking lunge steps, with 10 lb ball
15 butterfly sit-ups, with 10 lb ball
15 hip raises, with 25 lb plate
5 pull-ups (assist as needed)

Compare to 08.16.16

Post rounds completed to comments.

Happy Birthday Dad


  1. 10 rounds plus lunges and sit-ups
    As RXed

  2. 12 rounds plus lunges, BFSU and hip raises. Finished pull-ups after timer.

    20# lunges
    10# BFSU
    15# hip raises

  3. 10 rounds
    #10 dumbbell lunges sit-ups
    #20 dumbbell hip raises
    Band for pull-ups

  4. 9 rounds

    10# lunges
    10# bsu
    20# hr

  5. 11 rounds
    Plus lunges, sit-ups and 9 hip raises.
    Subbed boy push-ups for pull-ups.

  6. 10 + lunges and sit-ups

    15# each hand for lunges
    45# hip raises

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