Wednesday 07.19.17

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Run 400 meters
25 kettlebell swings, 20 lbs
25 butterfly sit-upsĀ 

Compare to 07.19.16

Post rounds completed to comments.


  1. Timer went off in the middle of my 5th round
    I finished the round anyway.
    10 lb. kb swings

  2. 5 rounds + 400m run on 6th
    Finished KBS & SU after timer
    25# KB
    Inclined sit ups w/ 16# db

    5 rds exactly
    20# KB

    I’m SO sore from yesterday!

  3. 3 rounds with an additional almost 400 meter run.

    1. KNEe to elbows on floor

  4. 21:45 – 4 rounds with my son.
    10lb kettle bell swings.

  5. 4 with 15 lb kettle bell and hula hooped while husband ran 400. Yes, I’m a dork.

  6. 4 full plus 200 m run. Finished run after timer
    Outside runs, 20# KBS

  7. Tiffany Baugh says:

    5 rounds. subbed run 2 minutes for 400 m run each time.

  8. 3 Full rounds. Fourth round I completed the run. 20:44

    Dripping sweat today!

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