Thursday 06.15.17

4 rounds for time of:
30 push-ups
20 front squats, 45-60 lbs
20 push presses, 20-45 lbs
30 butterfly sit-ups

Compare to 09.24.15

Post time to comments.


  1. Nissa Van Riper says:

    5:42, 8:21, 8:45 = 22:49 (3 rounds)
    Mil push ups

  2. 13:29
    First 10 push-ups were boy, rest were girl
    20 lbs. all

  3. 15:34, girl pu, unweighted squats (my knee and hip hurt), 12 lb pp (all I had)

  4. My timer malfunctioned and didn’t start or reset after I started it. I would say around 15 min
    60# front squat
    30# PP

  5. 29:30
    60 military push-ups/60 from knees
    45# FS
    45# PP (last 20 with 30#- my arms were spent)

  6. 2 rounds
    33lb squats
    20lbs push pr

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