Tuesday 05.02.17


50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:
Double-unders (X4 singles)
Butterfly sit-ups

Compare to 09.02.13

Post time to comments.


  1. 10:36
    Tuck jumps for DU
    Inclined sit ups w/ 20#

  2. 12:45
    Single jumps
    Attempted double unders until my shins were sore from being whipped. Only successfully accomplished 1.

  3. Nissa Van Riper says:

    Subbed sprints of 20, 16, 12, 8, 4 sec for DU. (Researched and did the math on equiv calorie burn. Due to Achilles.)

  4. 20:11 after a 3m run…tired!

  5. Ronna James says:

    Speedwork at track
    Broken mile: sprint 1200m, jog 200m, sprint 400m. I did this 4 times.


  6. 20:04

    40 rep. round and 20 rep round I subbed heels to the heavens for bsu.

  7. About 18:30, I think. (My timer stopped and restarted after my first round, so I approximated the time.) 200, 160, 120, 80, 40 sjr, 2:30 plank, 2:00 plank, 1:30 plank, 1:00 plank, :30 plank

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