Friday 03.17.17

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
10 power snatches, 30-45 lbs
3 pull-ups, assist as needed

Compare to 03.17.16

Post rounds/reps completed to comments.


  1. 9 rounds + 10 snatches
    (Finished pu after timer)
    20# kb (5 ea arm)
    Unassisted pull ups

    9 rds exactly

    Followed w/ “Mary”
    50 squat
    50 sit ups

    Vs 19:09
    Vs 17:27

  2. 4 complete rounds plus 5 more snatches at 25#

    Compare 7 rounds, 15# (I wasn’t pregnant last year, either, nor had come off an arm work out the day before!)

  3. 9 rounds
    20 lbs.
    Standing pull-ups

  4. 8 rounds plus power snatches. Finished round after timer
    20# single arm PS
    Chair assisted pull ups

  5. Stephanie James says:

    Hour of Zumba

    4 rounds
    Push up sub

  6. Finished the pullups of the sixth round after the buzzer. 20# single dumbbell snatches, 5 per side, jumping pullups.

  7. 10 rounds 20lb standing pull-up

  8. 7 rounds + 1 snatch
    35# bar, wide grip
    Purple + red band pull ups

    Vs 8 rounds
    30# bar
    Self assisted pull ups

    1. With 3 days of no sleep from mild bronchitis and family vacation!!

  9. 4 rounds

    15# dumbbell – single arm snatch
    Hopping pull ups

  10. 5 rounds 30 lb, jumping up
    Forgot to start the timer…

  11. Subbed cleans for snatch
    5 rds +6 cleans 30#

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