
Wednesday 02.01.17

15-12-9 reps for time of:
Wall-ball shots, 10-lb. ball
Thrusters, 20-45 lbs
Post time to comments. 


  1. 8:30
    T2B- got them touching or pretty darn close!
    12# WB
    55# thrusters

    It's these short WODs that can be deceiving!

    After a couple min rest, followed w/ 3rds
    10 ground to overhead – 25# plate
    10 overhead walking lunges (ea leg) 25#
    10 burpees

    Out of breath!

  2. 10:04
    Toes all the way to bar on all
    8lb wall ball
    40 lb thrusters

  3. 4:31
    Toes to bar
    Basketball wall ball
    20 lb. thrusters
    Finished with rounds 6 and 3 after I stopped the timer.

  4. 7:30
    KTE on floor
    First set 30# thrusters rest 20#
    Wall ball and thrusters back to back is cruel and unusual punishment 😉

  5. Had the opportunity to go to the pool today so did a swim WOD!

    4 RFT:
    Swim 200 yd
    50 yd legs only
    50 yd arms only

    32:10. My that took me much longer than I thought! Finished with 300 yd of legs only plus training fins.

  6. 7:17 knees to as high as could hanging from the bar. Soccer ball for wall ball. 20 lb thrusters. Glad to be back at this!

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