
Monday 01.30.17

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
Run 200 meters
20 box jumps, 18-inch box
15 push press, 20-30 lbs

Compare to 01.26.16

Post rounds completed to comments.


  1. So that was embarrassing. I did four rounds. The first round of the two box jumps and I fell so I finished with the push press. The first two rounds of push press I had 15 pounds each the last two I had 10 pounds each. And I did step-ups for the other three rounds.

  2. 5 rounds + run & 10 box
    Finished 6th rd after timer 15:54
    Step ups 18"

    Vs 15:59- 5 rounds -40#
    Vs 15:56- 5 rounds -30#

  3. 4 rounds plus run
    Full extension box jumps
    20 lb thrusters- butt to the floor

  4. Mod for calf injury:
    15 minutes of
    40 walking lunges
    20 bfsu
    15 push press 20#

    Completed 4 rounds w 9 sec remaining

  5. 5 rounds + run + 17 jumps
    Treadmill at 8.5
    18" box
    35# PP

    Vs (1/26/16)
    5 rounds + run + jumps + 13 PP
    18" jumps
    30# PP

    Vs 1/27/15
    6 rounds + run
    14" box jumps
    30# PP

  6. 5 rounds completed with 18 seconds left on the clock. 25# push press, 12" box jumps.

    30 min elliptical after

  7. 4 rounds plus run
    Treadmill runs, first 2 at 8.2, second 3 at 8.4

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