
Friday 01.13.17

Freaky Friday

5 rounds for time of:
25 butterfly sit-ups
25 back extensions (superman or body surfers)
50 donkey kicks (25 each leg)

Compare to 01.15.16

Post time to comments.


  1. 15:37
    Inclined sit ups w/ weight
    Ankle weights on supermans and donkey kicks

    Taking advantage of ice day, so followed w/ 4 rounds
    10 chicken wing arm exercise (8#db)
    20 kbs 20#
    30 jump & tucks
    12 burpees (tried a new variation- burpee to plank then cross rt leg over left ankle, then left leg over rt ankle)

    Then 4 rounds
    20 kb snatch (10 each arm)
    20 racked kb squat (10 each arm)
    10 pulse goblet squats
    20 OH reverse lunge (10 each arm)

    Happy Friday!

  2. 15:55
    BFSU w/ arms crossed
    Found 1.5# wrist weights I strapped on my ankles for body surfers and donkey kicks
    Focused on good extensions for body surfers

    Vs 14:01
    BFSU arms forward
    No weights

    Then left weights on ankles and did
    5 RFT:
    Sprint 100m (treadmill at 10.0)
    100 SJR
    Rest 30 seconds

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