
Thursday 01.05.17

On an 8-minute running clock, perform 1 minute each of:
Box jumps, 18 inch box
Pull-ups, assist as needed
Wall-ball shots, 10-lb. ball

Compare to 01.12.16

Post reps completed for each exercise, and total reps completed to comments.


  1. Squats- 34 (killer after yesterday's WOD!)
    Push ups 28 (girl)
    Box jumps 27 (step ups on two stairs for half and jumping onto one stair for rest–my scariest exercise!)
    Pull ups- 16 (mostly jumping up and slowly back down)
    Wall ball- 22 (thrusters with two 15 lb dumbbells tried to mimic a throwing and catching motion as much as possible)
    Burpees- 8
    Double unders 12 attempts
    Plank 1 min to fit in 8 exercises
    Total- 117
    Parenthetical statements- way too many?

  2. Squats- 34 (killer after yesterday's WOD!)
    Push ups 28 (girl)
    Box jumps 27 (step ups on two stairs for half and jumping onto one stair for rest–my scariest exercise!)
    Pull ups- 16 (mostly jumping up and slowly back down)
    Wall ball- 22 (thrusters with two 15 lb dumbbells tried to mimic a throwing and catching motion as much as possible)
    Burpees- 8
    Double unders 12 attempts
    Plank 1 min to fit in 8 exercises
    Total- 117
    Parenthetical statements- way too many?

  3. Snow day! So I got to sleep in ?
    Squat- 40
    Push up- boy- 35
    Box- (step ups on 18") 28
    Pull up- 17
    Wall Ball- 12#- 37
    Burpee- full- 16
    DU one at a time- 16

    Followed with hamstring curl/glute bride exercise (follow kirastokesfit on Instagram for video- killer!)
    Then 3 – 30 sec wall sits
    Then 10 min ab work

    1. 9 inches??! We we're called off for an inch! ? I teach in a different district, so my own kids had their first day back today.

    2. We're in Colorado. They're like 'pfff – 9 inches is nothing!' I don't think we've had a snow day in at least two years. ?

  4. Squat- 45
    Push up (girl) 33
    Step ups 25
    Reverse pull up 25
    Wall ball 15# 33
    Burpees 13
    DU (one at a time) 13
    Will run when it warms up a bit

  5. Squats- 26
    Push-ups- 35 (girl)
    Pull-ups- 22 (jump)
    Box jumps – 19 (12inch)
    Wall ball – 31 (bocce)
    Burpees – 7 (weaksauce, had problems with my mat)
    DU – 11 attempts, 1 actual
    Total- 151

  6. Squats, butt to floor – 48 (vs 47)
    Push ups – 21 (vs 17)
    Box jumps, 18" – 26 (vs 25)
    Pull ups – red + purple bands 9 (vs self assisted 16)
    Inverted burpees – 8 (vs 7.5)
    30# thrusters – 29 (vs 24)
    Burpees – 14 (vs 11)
    Jump & tuck – 31 (vs 24)

    I'll take it!! ?

  7. 28 squats
    30 push ups
    22 box jumps
    22 assisted pull ups
    29 wall ball
    13 burpees
    113 sir

    30 min treadmill workout

  8. Squats 43
    Push-ups 15 BOY 15 GIRL (30 total)
    Box jumps 23
    Pull-ups (hop) 30
    Wall-ball (basketball) 31
    Burpees 20
    Double-under 4
    (There are only 7 exercises for 8 minutes, so I just worked on my double unders the last 2 minutes. Sad that in 2 minutes I only successfully did 4, but I'm still figuring it out, so I'll take what I can get)
    TOTAL 181

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