
Tuesday 08.09.16

For time:
Run 800 meters
100 push-ups
100-meter bear crawl
Run 800 meters
50 butterfly sit-ups
50 hip raises
Run 800 meters 

Post time to comments.


  1. Did this Saturday
    All boy pu
    100 KTE on floor
    50 HSPU (on 21" bar stool)
    50 25# pp

    Did WOD from 8/12/15
    4 rds
    10 front squat- 45#

    14:55 compared to 17:16!!

  2. 25:17
    Bathroom break 3/4 through push ups
    Walking lunges on treadmill instead of beat crawl

  3. Biked 8 miles

    70 BPU 30 GPU
    100 meter bear crawl (shoulders are on fire)
    59 hip raises
    Fastest 800 meters was 3:48!

  4. Ran at track
    First did 800m warm up
    3x800m sprints


    800m cool down

  5. 27:29
    Treadmill at 7.6
    25# hip raises
    Rest as rx'd

    When I saw 100 push ups I almost changed it. I'm really embarrassed that it took me 7 full minutes just for the push ups – and all on my knees too.

  6. 38:28
    Push-ups were brutal, took me forever also
    Somehow, tragically, I got mixed up and did 50 bar facing burpees instead of hip raises!?!

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