
Thursday 07.28.16

For time:
12 deficit push-ups
15 back squats, 45-55 lbs
20 burpees
deficit push-ups
18 front squats, 45-55 lbs
20 burpees
deficit push-ups
21 overhead squats, 20 lbs
20 burpees 

Post time to comments.


  1. 8:46
    In Florida, no weights for squats, but put my hands in position anyway so form was same.
    Rest as RXed

  2. 10:09
    Regular pu, no plates at home
    40# front and back squats
    20# OHS

  3. Ran 6.5 miles(2.5 miles of hill repeats)

    50# back and front squats
    20# overhead squats

  4. Ran 6.5 miles(2.5 miles of hill repeats)

    50# back and front squats
    20# overhead squats

  5. 10:55
    Dis this before I left for vacation
    HSPU for deficit pu
    45# back & front
    25# overhead squat

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