
Wenesday 08.05.15

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
10 dumbbell thrusters, 10-15 lb dumbbells
50 double-unders (sub 200 single jump rope)

Compare to 08.05.14

Post rounds completed to comments.


  1. 10# thrusters
    4 rounds plus another round to 80 SJR
    Wind + jump rope = nightmare

  2. Couldn't find jump rope:/
    6 rounds
    30# Thrusters
    Alternated between 200 jumps w/o rope & 100 jumping jacks

  3. 30 mins. speed training
    Stadium runs

    I went over 40 seconds to complete 6 rounds.
    40# thrusters
    Single jump rope

  4. 30 jumps shy of 8 rounds
    16# total weight
    ***Haven't done these workouts in about a year. Excited to be back at it.

  5. 4 jump ropes short of 7 rounds
    Subbed 15 KB swings (20#) for thrusters

    Vs 7 rounds and 12 swings (15#)

    1. SJR
      And then did another Body Combat class. This free week at the gym's gotten me worn out!!

  6. 4 rounds
    30#db thrusters single ropes
    Did yesterday wod this afternoon, then this at night

  7. 4 rounds
    30#db thrusters single ropes
    Did yesterday wod this afternoon, then this at night

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