5 rounds for time of:
20 wall-ball shots, 10-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
20 sumo deadlift high pulls, 20 lbs
20 box jumps, 18 inches
20 push presses, 20 lbs
Run 200 meters
Rest 1 minute
Post time to comments.
no caffeine
4 rounds in 25:58 (time included 1 min rests)
30# all
Subbed thrusters for WB
Step ups
14# ball
20# sumo deadlift
20# PP
18 inch box last 5 of each round jumped rest step up. First time doing box jumps since my foot injury in December
28:03 with all rests. Many mods- that was so tiring!
Subbed 1 min jump rope for runs
28:43 included 1 min rest
Sub thruster for WB
Step ups for box jump
I have a long way to go to get in shape but I am moving!
3.2 mile run
30:39- rest is included in time
12# wall ball
30# sumo and push press
Step-ups(18 inches)
Subbed 4 stairs for the run. Think maybe I did the math wrong on that but it still locked my butt!
*kicked my butt
Including 4 min rest
27:44 all weight as rx'd
10 x 20m shuttle sprints instead of 200m
3 rounds 13:42
oh shoot. I didn't see the 1 minute rests until just now.
10 lbs wall ball
45 lbs 1 round sdhp, 20 lbs other rounds
box jumps 22"
45 lbs on PP.
tough workout.
No running. 10 lbs BC I don't have 20lb.
25:17 incl rests
30# all
Thrusters for wall ball
Step ups
Treadmill at 8.5
Dripping and breathless! It was hard to start round 5.
33:46 20# a bit distracted with a phone call
32:18. 20# thruster for wall ball
Including 4- 1 minute rests.
As RXed.
28:36 with 4 rests
Subbed stairs for run
Hiit mamas northglenn
Shawntae 24:47
Holly 25:55
Melissa 27:30
Jessica 29:50 30 weeks
26:50 20lb thrusters for wall ball. Time includes rests.
I did this yesterday in About 25 min and only did 4 rounds I was dead!
Step ups
35:43 including rests
4 rounds
30 lbs
Skipped pp by accident first round
Subbed box jumps for pull ups one rd
30:29, 20# all, thrusters for wall ball.
22:58 including 4-1 minute rests
12# WB
20# KB high pulls (10 each arm)
step ups
20# PP