
Tuesday 03.24.15

Pick one:


Run 800 meters
50 squats
Run 800 meters
50 sit-ups
Run 800 meters



5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
15 Overhead squats, 20lbs

*if you can’t hold the weights over your head, you can rest them on your shoulders

Compare to both to 03.24.14

Since it is two of my Texas Mama’s birthdays today, you can pick which WOD you want, the “Mary” or the “Jamie”. 😉

Happy Birthday Jamie & Mary!!!

no caffeine
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
 reduce sugar intake
drink water every day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
no preservatives 
eliminate wheat


  1. Mary
    Treadmill runs
    Compared to 19:57 but that was outside

  2. First run since beginning of December due to foot injury! It was definitely a love hate run! But I beat my time from last time!


    First 10 of each round over head last 5 on shoulders!
    Compared to

    First 3 rounds all over head last 2 on shoulders

  3. BOTH! How could I choose between these gals?! Love them both!
    15:30 for each
    (did Mary first and Jamie second)… (Wow, that sounded dirty! 😉

  4. Jamie, a bit modified.
    400 meters
    15 front squats
    15 BFSU
    5 rounds
    total time 22:13
    Ran outside. I was determined to get each run in under 2:00. First round was my slowest at 2:00 min and last round was my fastest at 1:50.

  5. 23:93 Mary. Last year I did Jamie in 26 minutes. I'm getting faster!

  6. I did Jamie, but I misread and my squat weight was 10#. Whoops. Also, due to my lack of having 400 m. marked off well, I did 6 rounds of 320 m runs (only doing squats after the first five runs). Time: 15:01

  7. Jamie, approx. 350 meters (to tree at corner at top of hill) and 20# squats (not overhead), 16:37. Walked some included in time.

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