
Monday 03.23.15

Run 2K

Compare to 04.11.14

no caffeine
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
 reduce sugar intake
drink water every day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
no preservatives 
eliminate wheat


  1. Didn't we just do this on Thursday? Injured myself doing Friday's crazy WOD, so going to take it a little easy this week.

    Did my own version of Crossfit 15.4.
    In 8 mins, 3 HSPU and 3 squats, then 6 each, 9 each, etc. made it through 21 HSPU. Knees on bench.

    1. You are right. My mistake. We are doing the 15.4 later this week.

  2. No running for me until my Achilles heals. Made up a WOD from last week.

  3. 9:47, compared to 10 something last week. Didn't push the stroller this morning though, so I bet that helped make the difference. 🙂

  4. 9:47, compared to 10 something last week. Didn't push the stroller this morning though, so I bet that helped make the difference. 🙂

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