
Thursday 03.12.15

For time:
Run 1.5 miles

Post time to comments.

no caffeine
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
 reduce sugar intake
drink water every day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep


  1. Too nice inside for the dreadmill so tossed 18 mo old in jogger and ran outside. 2.25 miles in just under 20 mins.

    I was just thinking last weekend how I haven't run much in a while. You must have heard my thoughts, Jenni! Tough week!

  2. My timer paused at 4:00 so I had to calculate my time based off a phone call I received right before I took off.
    Somewhere between 10 and a half and 11 minutes. Really wish I had my exact time.

  3. First time running outside in three months! Rainy and only 41 degrees, but I'll take it. Not my best time, 15:40, but I'll have to work into running outside again instead of on a flat treadmill.

  4. 12 min for 1.05 miles. Thought map my run said 1.5 so I thought I was done lol!

  5. 15:32 while pushing my 4 year old and 2 year old (with my four year old running part of it). Not my fastest, but hard work pushing those guys. 🙂

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