
Tuesday 02.10.15

4 rounds of:
2 minutes of double-unders (sub: 3 minutes single jump)
2 minutes of burpees

Post reps completed for each exercise to comments.


no caffeine
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol


  1. 1209 sjr
    63 burpees (Wow! You ladies are fast on the burpees!)

  2. 1715 sjr
    125 burpees
    3 (yes ladies 3!!) breaks to pee!

  3. 1446 single jump rope
    116 burpees (stepping back instead of jumping back)

    my calves. jello. that is all.

  4. 1516 weighted rope single jumps

    68 burpees without push-up
    48 with push up. 116 total

  5. 3mins single jump ropes,
    2 mins burpees.

    Total 710 jumps and I think 59 burpees.

    I only do a WOD about once a week right now. Not as fit as I have been in the past but regardlesd I am always pretty slow.

  6. Low ceilings in my basement mean I can't do any jump ropes, so I subbed 2 minutes of jumping jacks.

    420jj and 48 burpees

  7. Single jumps
    210, 23
    180, 20
    190, 20
    169, 16
    429 sj, 36 burpees total

  8. All double unders:
    D- 50 B- 17
    D- 67 B- 18
    D- 33 B- 18
    D- 46 B- 17

    Total: D-196 B- 70

    Did this WOD right after 2/17/15 WOD. ?

  9. sjr on carpet, so it slows me down

    1311 (I may have totally miscounted though..)
    131 burpees (no push ups)

    a couple breaks to read with my daughter, pee, and put kids back in bed. 🙂

  10. Subbed jax for sjr (low ceilings with ceiling fans + -24 wind chill outside): 722; 104 burpees. Rounds about 180/26 each.

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