
Tuesday 10.28.14

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Snatches, 20-30 lbs

Post time to comments.

no caffeine
 no soda
fruit or veggie snacks


  1. 6:42
    K2E on bar
    Started snatches with 30 lb (two 15s), but kept torking my back wrong so dropped to one dumbbell, but not enough weight…arg

  2. 4:33
    Knees to shoulders (since my back doesn't bend, not sure if it is even possible to get my knees higher….guess I'll see)
    20 lb snatches

  3. 4:47
    KTE on floor
    No weight on snatch….no weight to use where I was
    Ran 2 miles before

  4. Ran 1 mile
    35lb snatch
    Kte on bar


    Ran 3 miles in 21:06 oh ya!

  5. Forgot to post but did it. My snatch form leaves something to be desired but did it with a 20# KB alternating arms. Ran 4×400 after.

  6. 9:02
    10 lb single arm snatches. Did each number if reps with both arms each round

  7. 9:15
    K2e's on bar, really struggle with grip and callous issues, 45# on snatch. Love to snatch!!

  8. About 12 minutes. Elbows to knees on bar. Single handed snatches with 15 pounds, did each set of reps for both arms each time.

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