
Tuesday 09.23.14

For time:
50 wall-ball shots, 10 lb. ball
30 cleans, 20-30 lbs
15 pull-ups (assist as needed)

Post time to comments.

no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake
drink water every day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
no preservatives
eliminate wheat


  1. I did CFmom version of this
    50 wallballs (did slamballs instead 15 lb ball
    30 hang power cleans 20 lbs
    30 pull-ups (did TRX pull-ups)
    30 dips (bench dips with bent legs)
    33 weeks

  2. 35# sandbag cleans. forced myself to do strict pullups, which is what too me so long 8:03

  3. 5 even
    20# cleans
    Incline push ups for pull ups

  4. 4:38. 14# ball, 45# cleans, 70# assistance on pull up machine. Then 9/5 wod. Then body pump.

  5. Walked 4 miles

    15# kettle bell swings
    20# hang clean

  6. Ran 4x1600m with 400m walks in between each round.

    12# ball
    35# cleans
    jumping pull-ups

  7. 4:02
    20# thrusters
    30# cleans
    chair asst pull ups

    Then ran 1 mile. Treadmill started clunking so I called it quits.

  8. 4:27
    8# wall ball
    20# cleans.
    (Heavier ball and weights were being used)
    Band assisted pull-ups

    Then ran 4.25 miles

  9. 3:45
    Sub 20# squat in rack for clean
    Red band on pu
    Did after 9/24/2014 workout

  10. Ran 1 mile to warm up


    45lb Clean
    Assisted Pull ups

    Ran 3.25 miles.

  11. Pat 9:50 #20WB, #95 cleans

    Maria 10:50 #12, #50 (for 10) then #55 for 20, unassisted 10 pull ups and 5 husband assisted

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