Monday 09.15.14
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of the following rep scheme:
3 Thrusters, 20 lbs
3 Butterfly sit-ups
6 Thrusters, 20 lbs
6 Butterfly sit-ups
9 Thrusters, 20 lbs
9 Butterfly sit-ups
12 Thrusters, 20 lbs
12 Butterfly sit-ups
15 Thrusters, 20 lbs
15 Butterfly sit-ups
18 Thrusters, 20 lbs
18 Butterfly sit-ups
21 Thrusters, 20 lbs
21 Butterfly sit-ups
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc.
Compare to 09.16.13
Post rounds completed to comments.
Happy Birthday to my MOM!
(last Saturday)
I cannot say enough nice things about my Mom. She is amazing. She taught me the meaning of selflessness and now she is the best Nana ever. She means so much to me that I named my second daughter after her.
(Dylan Laine pictured above)
no caffeine
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake
drink water every day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
no preservatives
7 rounds (21 reps) complete plus 3 push presses of round 8
6 complete rounds (18 reps)
Plus 14 thrusters on 7th
Finished all of 7th round
Then did 800m on elliptical
2 BSU shy of the 21 rep round
18 thrusters and 2 butterflies
7 rds (21 reps) complete.
20lb thrusters, arms crossed on bsu.
8 rounds (24 reps)
21 thrusters + 6 bfs compared to 24 thrusters and 10 bfs last year.
7th round complete of thrusters plus 5 plank walks. Finished planks after timer.
Sub plank walks for bfsu
23 weeks
Off to walk 4 miles
Through 21 thrusters plus 8 bsu.
(vs. through 18x set plus 9 thrusters)
7 rounds (21)
15 thrusters on 8th round
4 mile run
Complete up to 21 thrusters, small improvement from last year.
30# thrusters
Completed 18, 7 thrusters into 21
Ran 4.5 miles
7 rounds (21 reps) + 11 thrusters
Hiit mamas northglenn
Karissa 21
Courtney 18
Shawntae 24
Jen 24
Sharadee 21
Kim 24
Leslie 15
45# thrusters. 6 rounds, 18 reps plus 3 thrusters. Then 2/11 wod. Then RPM.
6 rounds 18 reps of thrusters…
BFSU on bosu ball
34 weeks prego
7.65 mile bikeride at 15.5 mph then
7 complete ends (21) plus 3 of each
2:15 elbow plank hold
10 pushups
Halfway thru round 7
Through 21 thrusters, 30#. Took 56 extra seconds to finish the BFSU.
7 rounds + 3 thrusters
All the way through to 24 thrusters.
Same amount as ly. 20#
Completed round 6(18)
35# thrusters to below parallel
Made it through the 21 round.
Completed rounds of 18 plus 9 thrusters. 30# thrusters.
Then ran 5 miles
7 complete rounds (21 reps)
21 thrusters and 15 BSU. A little better than last time, deeper squats then last time.
6 rounds then 12 thrusters.
7 rounds, 25 pd on thrusters
Got thru 21 reps
10 BSU short of 21 Rep Round. Finished it out.
Ran 4 miles.
40 Lb thrusters.
Still hobbling around after the Box jump injury on Friday. I DON'T recommend it at ALL!
6 rounds
6 rounds (18) rx
Went a bit longer. Completed 21 thrusters (45lbs)/21 sit ups
Time: 10:40
Through round of 21, plus 14 thrusters. 14 more than the last time!
Made it to the 15 rep round. Finished situps – added 15 sec.
6 rounds (18) + 10 thrusters
Pat #75 thru 18's
maria #45 thru 18's