
Tuesday 08.26.14

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 burpee pull-ups (assist as needed)
30 squats
60 second plank
Post rounds completed to comments.


no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake
drink water every day


  1. 4 rounds plus 4 burpee pullups (squat thrusts to box-assisted pullup)
    That was fun but I have to say the hardest part was plank. The 60 sec on timer crawled by.

  2. 5 rounds in 20:07
    Did squats with 20# KB
    Did regular burpee with pull up on jump, slow descent

  3. 5 rounds with burpees & squats on 6th
    Burpees to plank jump pull up/slow down
    5th & 6th- subbed KTE for pull up-
    Back was starting to feel it!

  4. 5 rounds plus 9 burpee pull ups (jump assisted)

  5. 4 rounds in 17:30. Had to take some breaks during the planks.

  6. 6 rounds
    Burpees to plank because my pull-up bar is over tile.
    Held final plank for 90 seconds to finish out time.

  7. 6 rounds with 43 seconds left
    burpees with shoulder press (3 rounds of 20#, 3 rounds of 10#)
    Everything else as rx'd

  8. 5 rounds with about 30 sec left over so did squats until time (21 squats).
    Also completed my first unassisted pull ups!!!

  9. 4 rounds plus burpees, pull-ups and 16 squats for the 5th round. Did burpees and pull-ups separate since I was using the band for pull-ups.

    Ran 3 miles before doing wod

  10. Ran 6x400m at race pace and than a mile cool down.

    5 rounds plus burpees and 10 squats.
    burpees with jumping pull-ups

  11. Hiit mamas northglenn
    Shawntae 6
    Sharadee 4 1/2
    Kim 7 -no pull ups
    Karissa 5
    Courtney 4
    Jessica 4

  12. Ran 3 miles

    6 rounds with 50 sec left.
    Held 10# weights and did burpee to plank with shoulder press. No pull up bar.
    Rest as rx'd

  13. 4 rounds
    Burpee on bench and used green band for pull ups
    Had to take breaks during plank
    31 weeks pregnant

  14. getting back into working out. again.

    20 min. pilates video


    4 rounds of:
    10 modified burpees
    30 squats
    1 min plank alternating 10 sec plank / 10 sec rest

    gotta start somewhere!

  15. Ran 2 miles

    5 complete rounds..held out last plank 90 sec to complete time

  16. Only had ten minutes. 3 rounds, did regular burpees and added 10 separate push ups instead of pullups.

  17. 5 rounds plus 3 burpee pull ups
    jump up/slow down on pull ups
    rds 4 & 5 dropped my knees down on planks for the last 15 seconds

    After yesterday's WOD I made up 'Angela' from 8/20 and today I am so sore!

  18. 4 mile run

    6 rounds and into squats of 7th.
    Jump pull-ups instead of Burpee pu

  19. Pat 5 rds and thru burpee pul ups on the 6th

    Maria 4 rds and thru 11 sec plank on the 5th

  20. Completed on 10/30 after 10/30 wod. Finished 6 rounds right after the buzzer. Then body pump.

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