
Monday 08.18.14

10 2-minute rounds of:
5 pull-ups (assist as needed)
10 push-ups
15 squats
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
Jump rope
Rest 1 minute between rounds. Post number of jumps each round to comments.


no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake


  1. Started with boy pushups and band assisted pull ups.
    1: 29
    2: 0 – switched to girl pushups
    3: 21
    4: 6 – shortened my band 2"
    5: 33
    6: 13
    7: 24
    8: 11
    9: 3
    10: 4

  2. Started with boy push ups- switched to combo (mostly girl) after round 4
    Subbed plank burpees for jr

    0, 3, 0, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 4, 1

  3. That one was awesome!

    0, 37, 0, 1, 50, 8, 42, 0, 32, 0

    I was all over the place :/

  4. 1 – 0
    2 – 3
    3 – 13
    4 – 10
    5 – 2
    6 – trx 34
    7 – 0
    8 – trx 16
    9 – trx 35
    10 – 12

    Jumping pull ups
    Boy push ups
    Sub trx lat pulls on a few rounds for pull ups

  5. 1: 13
    2: 33
    3: 0 (couldn't shake a child off of me)
    4: 23
    5: 25
    6: 20
    7: 20
    8: 12
    9: 0
    10: 20
    Jump pull-ups
    Girl push-ups

  6. Ran 3.5 miles

    Only did 5 rounds before I ran out of time. Did workout outside so sub thruster for pull ups and did gpu. Sad that bpu are getting really hard.
    19 weeks pregnant.

  7. Last five rounds were mpu. Squats ended up being the hardest for me. Two rounds had a slightly longer break due to a phone call and kids.


  8. 0, 3, 18, 18, 25, 22, 28, 29, 20, 30.
    All GPU
    Jump pull-ups

    Wouldn't have been able to finish rounds if BPU

    + 4 mile run

  9. 1, 26, 31, 32, 28, 30, 25, 9, 7, 0
    jump up, slow down pull ups
    below parallel on squats

    Holy Arms, Batman! The baby is going to have to carry herself today!

  10. After round 1 I realized I would never make it to the jump rope on any rounds. So, due to time constraints, I altered it as follows. I did 5 rounds in 20 minutes.
    1 round =
    5 jumping pull-ups, slow down
    10 GPU
    15 squats
    5 jumping pull-ups, slow down
    10 GPU
    15 squats
    25 Jump Rope

  11. Was away for 14 days to come home to back to back illnesses but I'm back!! I've missed these workouts!!! Ran a 10k race yesterday and didn't do as well as I wanted.
    1) 35 because I didn't realize it was 2 rounds of squats in there so this was high. Then I realized it for the rest
    2) 22.
    3) 14
    4) 23
    5) 11
    6) 25
    7) 22
    8) 26
    9) 20
    10) 19

    Then ran 2 miles on treadmill in 17:20

  12. First two rounds incline push-ups to chest touching. Them switched to gpu's and not to touching chest. Green band pullups. Squats to below parallel.

  13. 0, 30, 40, 35, 40, 38, 30, 25, 25, 30
    After first round switch to GPU realized if I was going to get to jump ropes at all I better do GPU. JUMPING pull ups

  14. Jump assist pull ups
    Boy push ups
    48, 65, 46, 37, 64, 55, 65, 36, 69, 75

  15. Y'all are machines!!

    Was I doing something wrong?
    (5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats) allx2 then jump rope right?
    Was barely getting to the end of my squats every time

  16. I'm with hf I got zeros every time. I did 2 min of jump rope at the end.

  17. I with you girls too….and I posted this!! You guys were doing it right. It was very difficult to get through both rounds and make it to jump rope.

    0 (minus 15 squats- finished anyway)
    0 (minus 8 squats- finished anyway)
    0 (minus 10 push-ups)
    By round 6 I realized that 100 push-ups was enough for me so I cut them out and just did pull-ups and squats)

    All jumping pull-ups and butt-to-floor squats. Red faced!!

  18. 25
    70 – forgot last squats, remembered &did 8
    Part of my band to asst pullups broke so it was 2xs harder! Some were jumping pullups because my muscles just didn't work!
    Boy push ups

  19. Back after two weeks of being sick. One week completely off as I was coughing my lungs out.

    Ran 1.5 miles to warm up.

    1. 28
    2. 34
    3. 24
    4. 17
    5. 21
    6. 27
    7. 19
    8. 24
    9. 24
    10. 31

    MBPU – Incline on an 18 inch box
    Deep squats, was cramping up the whole time.
    pull ups assisted with small purple band half of the rounds, large green band the remainder.

  20. Subbed bent over rows for pullups, and jumping jacks for sjr.
    Really enjoyed this!
    8, 20, 27, 26, 19, 28, 28, 28, 30, 31

  21. 5, 23, 22, 42, 46, 41, 36, 42, 52, 35
    Jumping pu's
    1st 4 rnds bpu's rest gpu's

  22. pat – 10 sq, 36, 36, 37, 40, 25, 33, 36, sq, 15

    Maria – push, push, push, 4 pull, 8 push, push, 6 push, 3 push, push..after the 5th round i switched to chair assisted pull ups (I pulled something in my shoulder/neck)

  23. Completed on 10/23 after 10/23 wod.
    70# pull up assistance: 0, 13, 4, 2, 16,
    85# pull up assistance: 30, 19, 36, 21, 36
    All push ups on knees.
    Then ran 1.6 miles

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