
Wednesday 08.06.14

8 rounds of:
Run 400 meters
Rest 90 seconds

Compare to 05.24.13

Post total time to comments not including eighth rest.

no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm


  1. 29:17

    Total Body Challenge at the gym
    100 sit ups
    100 mountain climbers

    Worked on my double unders a bit

  2. Got to go run before I looked at workout and ran 4 miles today.

  3. 23:06 with 1 min rests

    Last year's time was 24:10 with 1 min rests. Yay for improvement!

  4. 28:12 with breaks
    17:42 not counting breaks. So happy with that time

  5. Half mile warm up

    21:37 – w/90 sec rests

    13:07 w/o the rests

    Ran another 1.5 miles to make 4 total.

    Ran outside on gravel roads.

  6. 28:48. I can run much faster with those breaks to breathe 🙂 as rx'd

  7. 27:52 just a couple sec faster than last time. I wrote down my time each lap so i could try & be consistent with my first lap. I averaged 2:11 per lap. My best was 2:05

  8. 27:35…5 minutes FASTER!
    Thank you Karla for pushing me 🙂

  9. 30:25 walked part of 7th and 8th rounds. Have I mentioned how much I HATE running!!

  10. Completed on11/5 after 11/5 wod. 23:04. 60 sec breaks. Then RPM. Teaching body pump tonight.

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