
Tuesday 08.05.14

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
10 dumbbell thrusters, 20 lbs (10 lb dumbbells)
50 double-unders (sub 200 single jump rope)

Post rounds completed to comments.

no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm


  1. 6 rds, 55#
    Rds 1-4 sjr x200
    Rds 5-6 jumping jacks x100 (each jack is 2 jumps…right?)

  2. Subbed jack for rope, then subbed running in place for last three rounds because my head was hurting with all that jumping! 7 rounds, 30#

    And happy one year as hiitmamas anniversary!

  3. We'll, I screwed that up. Did 5 rounds plus thrusters. First round was sjr then I decided to try doubles. I thought it was 25. So the last 4 rounds were only 25 doubles but I did surprisingly ok on them, minus the few welts on the back of my arms and legs!

  4. Only had 10 minutes
    7 rounds plus 5 thrusters
    Sub 50 jacks for rope
    Completed t25 speed workout before

  5. Tried it but JR didn't feel very good. Did CF mom again
    3 rounds
    20 deadlifts
    400 m run
    20 burpees
    19:40 60#, treadmill and squat thrusts in place of burpees

    1. CrossFitmom.com. They are scaled workouts designed for pregnant moms from the main crossfit.com website.

  6. 8 rounds exactally
    Subbed 8 up/down stairs for jr

  7. 15 jump ropes short of 6 rounds. Finished after time. 25# thrusters.

    Need a better rope. Spending too much time getting tripped up. :/

  8. 6 rounds + 4 thrusters of following round.
    2-10# dumbells
    200 JR Singles

    Went ahead and finished 8th round

  9. Speed walked 3 miles. Started pouring rain at mile 2!

    7 rounds + thrusters

    Glad for tall ceilings. Allows me to jr inside 🙂

  10. 5 rounds
    30# thrusters
    Did about 2 and half rounds of double-unders. I than switched to single jr because I was tired of hitting myself with the rope just felt really out of rhythm today.

    3 mile run.

  11. My lats are really sore from yesterday, so I subbed 15 – 15# KB swings for 10 thrusters.

    7 rounds plus 12 KB swings

    Then ran 1.5 miles.

  12. 6 rounds even. Well, I had :16 remaining and called it. So hot, so winded, so…dizzzzzy.

    45# thrusters
    Double unders for all rounds. SO HARD!!

  13. 30 min run 2.9 mi
    6 rounds of thrusters

  14. 4 round. I tripped literally every two jumps on sjrs. Frustrating. Need a better rope.

  15. 4 1/2 rounds
    20# thrusters
    Single JR – got a few doubles in there
    20 min incline walk
    100 sit ups

    I've got nothing in me today. The older I get the more my period drains me every month. I'm just happy I got through this one.

  16. Almost 5 rounds with 100 regular jumps, not double unders.

  17. 6 rounds plus 20 thrusters
    But only 1st round 200 JR
    Then could only do 100 JR the rest
    The JR killed me!

  18. 8 rounds + 10 thrusters
    On double unders alternated double, single, double, etc till I reached 35 (so ended up with 35 du, 35 sjr each round)

    My arms were spent!

  19. 1000 total sjr
    did 100 Jr, then 10 thrusters alternating 10 times. Got through 200 the first round but switched to 100 at a time after that.

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