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Thursday 07.31.14

3 rounds for time of:
25 butterfly sit-ups
50-foot bear crawl
50-foot overhead walking lunge, 20 lbs

Post time to comments.

no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks


  1. 8:06
    25 plank walks across basement on hands in place of BSU
    Rest as RX'd
    That was fun.

  2. 7:48
    Sub plank walks for sit ups.
    Those bear crawls were intense!
    Will go on a speed walk after baby wakes up.

  3. Completed after 7/31 wod. Abs on ab machine/horse. Then 100 ft 40# lunges. No bear crawl. Then body pump.

  4. Yeah so, I measured 50 YARDS rather than 50 FEET. Those are pretty different. 🙂 My shoulders were DYING on the lunges.

    13:13 with my distances 3x farther

    My 6 year old did some of the bear crawls with me. That was fun.

  5. 9:15
    First set of lunges, went double distance accidentally
    Bear crawls did forward and back. The back hurt so bad.
    25# lunges
    1 mile run

  6. 10:16
    20# for walking lunges (yay, finally!)
    Those bear crawls… I now know why bears walk so slow, those are not easy!

    100 more sit ups
    50 mountain climbers

    Then I decided I was superwoman and ran this anxiety inducing interval speed run that I've never done before. Ended up being 2.5 miles

  7. 5:41.
    Did crunches instead of full situps as i still have a scab from doing situps last time, otherwise as rxd

  8. Ran an 8x400m w/ :90 rest in between first.

    25# overhead lunges

  9. 5:48
    Sub crunches (serious tailbone issues!)
    Down and back across basement (approx measurement… About 16 lunges each set)

  10. 13:25
    think i went too far on distances
    round 1 bfsu
    round 2 pregnancy superman
    round 3 crunches
    27 weeks

    1. Nissa Van Riper says:

      Wait. Sorry. Meant to post on 3.23.17.

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