
Wednesday 07.30.14


For time:
20 Front squats, 40 lbs
30 Box jump, 18 inch box
40 Kettlebell swings, 20 lbs
50 Wall ball shots, 10 pound ball

Post time to comments.

 Hiit Mama Denise
(6 months pregnant)
St. Louis, Missouri
“Hi Jenni! I hope your back is healing well for you! I just wanted to say thank you again for the workouts and all of your hard
work. It’s easy to take these workouts for granted because they just show up
everyday on my phone but I know you work at it and for that I am thankful. Thanks again!” -Denise
no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks


  1. 8:30
    45# front squat
    18" box jumps
    25# kb swing
    8# wall ball

    This was harder than i thought it would be!

  2. 7:55
    45 lb front squats
    19" landscaping wall for step ups
    25 lb swings
    12 lb ball

  3. Denise! You are so awesome! Really, I know how hard it is to keep doing CF while pregnant and I admire you for keeping with it!

    Subbed thrusters for wall ball and bench jumps using stairs

    1. Thank you for the kind words. If you have any advice, I will take it 😉
      During my last pregnancies I did exclusively running workouts so this is new to me. Thanks again!!

    2. I did a lot of these workouts while pregnant last year. My main advice is to pause often to keep your breathing under vontrol, and stop when it feels uncomfortable. And no situps!

    3. Me too, slydegirl, and I agree. Not really any advice, just listen to your body and it sounds like you're doing that already!

  4. Ran 3.5 miles

    30# front squats
    18in step ups
    20# kb
    10# thrusters for wall ball

  5. Denise love the pic! Truly an inspiration to keep going.

    Jenni thanks for the workouts! Really appreciate it. Hope to see you back soon.

    1. Thank you! I think this is the best workout program ever!

  6. Made my own wod
    20 squats
    30 pu
    40 crunches
    50 lunges
    Followed by lots if biking & some paddle board time!

    Denise- thanks for introducing me to this site! You inspire so many people! Very blessed to call you a friend 🙂

    1. Aww–thanks Julie!! You are adorable and I feel just as blessed. See you next week!

  7. Beautiful weather here so I decided to hike Y Mountain about a 1 1/2 mile hike with 10 switch backs! Got a good leg and lung work out!

  8. Good work, Denise! You look great!

    30# front squats
    14" box jumps
    15# KB
    20# thrusters for wall ball

  9. I'll do this workout later tonight after the kids are in bed, but I want to give a resounding second to Denise's thoughts! Jenni, For years with two tiny ones I've been looking for workouts that are decent intensity for cardio, but also incorporate some fun lifting and the workouts are fun themselves. And most of all – not 45 minutes or an hour and a half – I don't have that time!! These are perfect to do every day, make me feel stronger and happier, and fit my life SO well. Thanks for your commitment to keeping this blog going strong — we SO appreciate it!!

  10. Ditto tht comment above! Thanks for this! Xoxo

    7:53 20 # FS on BOSU ball
    Step ups
    15# med ball swing
    15# WB

  11. Total Body Challenge this morning at my gym
    Incline walk for 20 min
    100 sit ups

    And then this…

    30# for squats. Not sure if I've ever done these so went with lower weights
    Thrusters for wall ball ( I just don't have one)
    Used my safe for box jumps – think its about 14"

    A lot of weights in my workout today. I'm already feeling it but I'm loving it!

  12. 6:49
    36# squats
    15" box
    20# kb
    16# thrusters

  13. 2mile run, 2 mile power walk then..
    20# fs
    20" bj
    16# dumbbells for kb
    10# weight plate for wb
    I think I need to start investing in some better equipment!

  14. 7:10 as rxd! Congrats Denise! I can't imagine doing this pregnant. That's amazing!

  15. 9:15…lots of sucking wind!
    65#, 18" box, 35# kb, 10# ball
    That was 1st time I use 35#kb for whole set 🙂

  16. 8:52
    First time using a 20# kettlebell and a 10lb ball instead of a soccer ball. 45# squats.

  17. Completed on 7/31. 45# front squats, 24 in box, 26# kettleball, 14# wall ball. Then 7/31 wod. Then body pump.

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