
Tuesday 07.29.14

21-15-9 Echo

For time:
8 deadlifts, 60-80 lbs
7 cleans, 20-30 lbs
6 snatches, 20-30 lbs
8 pull-ups (assist as needed)
7 knees-to-elbows
6 bench dips
6 deadlifts, 60-80 lbs
5 cleans, 20-30 lbs
4 snatches, 20-30 lbs
6 pull-ups (assist as needed)
5 knees-to-elbows
4 bench dips
4 deadlifts, 60-80 lbs
3 cleans, 20-30 lbs
2 snatches, 20-30 lbs
4 pull-ups (assist as needed)
3 knees-to-elbows
2 bench dips

Post time to comments.

no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks


  1. Tired today. My snatches were all over the place. 9:49

    80# DL
    20# cleans and snatches
    KTE on bar
    Unassisted pullups

  2. 8:26
    60 lbs
    20 lb cleans
    20 lb snatch
    Box assisted pull-ups
    Kte on bar
    Bench dips using box with straight legs and butt touching floor

  3. 7:58
    Assisted pull-ups
    KTE floor
    Followed by 5 mins of squats, push-ups, double unders

  4. 8:04
    115# DL
    45# cleans and snatches
    Band-assisted pull-ups
    K2E on floor
    Dips on rings with band

  5. 8:46
    This was fun! But I could never keep the cleans/dl/snatches straight–when I got into it I couldn't remember the differences!

  6. 6:07
    75lb deadlifts
    25lb cleans and snatches
    Jump up pull-ups
    Ran half mile at end

    1. If you notice the first set is 8,7,6 which equals 21. Then it's 6,5,4 which equals 15. Etc… At least I think that's what it means!

  7. 9:10
    95# dl
    30# cleans
    25# snatches
    kte on bar
    jumping pull-ups

    I took my time and worked on form.

  8. E & H: 7:12
    36# dl
    20# cleans and snatches
    assisted pull-ups
    floor KTE

  9. On vacation- no weights. Want to try when I get back home.
    But I did bike 6 miles and did 90 min of SUP. Fun way to exercise on my 38th bday 🙂

    1. Happy birthday!! I will join you in October. Enjoy your vacation!!

    2. 5:48
      Subbed squat cleans w/ kb for cleans
      Subbed high pull for snatch
      20# all weight
      KTE on bar
      Chair assist pu

  10. 7:36
    60# on deadlifts, cleans, and snatches.
    The first time I just woman'd up and said no more band. I'm thrilled. So much progress in a year and a half. Thanks Jenni!!

  11. P.S. Happy Birthday Julie! I'll be there with ya in December!

    1. Thanks Kari! Great job on the pull ups…whoo hoo!!

  12. 6:41. 115# dead lifts. 45# cleans and snatches. Pull up assist on machine. 60# assist. Body weight dips on machine. Then body pump.

  13. Oh man I thought I was doing goid! Lol well it's only my 2nd workout 18:26 for today. Feeling great!

  14. Speed walked 4 miles

    30# deadlift
    20# rest
    Pull up with kitchen table
    Kte on floor
    Bench dip with chair

  15. 5:34
    30# snatch and cleans
    Band assisted pull ups

    My form on snatches always feels odd. Need to work on them more.

  16. 5:33 w/ an extra snatch
    60# DL
    30# cleans & snatches
    jump up/slow down pull ups
    K2E floor (can't swing on pull up tower)
    straight leg dips, butt to floor

    so fun that I rested 3 mins and did it again!

    5:29 2nd time

  17. I have to be doing something wrong. 4:45

  18. 6:58

    40lb deadlift
    20lb clean, snatch
    KTE on floor

    8wk pp

    1. Continued working on cleans and snatches at heavier weights max cleans and snatches at 60# then tried overhead squat but maxed at 40#
      Finished with treadmill

  19. Only timed when lifting…
    Had to share one bar so stopped time in between each to reset bar…
    35# Clean and Snatch
    Everything else as RXed

    Michelle: 2:54
    Joy: 2:36

  20. 5:50
    Not sure if I did this right
    KTE on floor
    80# deadlifts
    40# cleans
    30# thrusters for snatches
    Inverted rows for pull ups

  21. So, I didn't do this workout today. Not enough weights or experience. I felt like I was going to hurt myself.
    I did "Donna" from 7/18/14 since I missed that day.
    Plus 25 minute run after.

  22. 7:19. Pu from kitchen table, kte on floor. 45# dl, 20# everything else.

  23. 40# DL
    20# cleans and snatches
    BOSU ball sit ups vs KTE
    Pull ups using purple band

    8:52 27 Weeks Pregnant

  24. 9:02
    30# deadlifts, reps x 2
    14 lb rest
    kte floor
    jump ups
    I know I'm not doing cleans or snatches right

  25. I really didn't workout this late. Forgot to post earlier.

    50# for dead lifts
    20# for cleans/snatches(my snatches did not look pretty)
    Inverted rows for pull ups
    KTE on floor

    2.5 mile run
    300 jump rope
    100 sit ups
    100 mountain climbers

  26. 5:52
    Band asstd pullups
    Kte on bar
    Dips straight leg

  27. 8:40…slow and steady focusing on form…snatches are VERY awkward!
    95# DL
    55# clean
    20# snatch
    Band assist
    Kte in floor

  28. 300 jumprope then…
    55 lb for all
    felt SLOW today

  29. 7:37

    45 lbs for clean & snatch. Should have gone heavier on clean, but was using the same bar for both.

    85 lbs for DL – need to go a bit heavier with this as well.

    Unassisted Kipping pull ups
    KTE on Bar
    Dips w/ legs straight all the way to the floor. Didn't have anything around to put my feet up on.

    Ran 3 hilly miles afterwards.

  30. Pat 7:12 #135dl, #30db's on cleans and snatch

    Maria 8:09 #85 dl, #25db's on cleans and snatch…unasssisted pull ups until last set theen help from hubby

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