
Tuesday 07.01.14


4 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
24 Front squat, 40-60 lbs
24 Cleans, 20 lbs

Compare to 07.01.13

Happy Birthday to my baby, Tyce!
He is 4 today!
Love you Nuggie!!

no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
no preservatives
eliminate wheat
finish strong!


  1. 26:24
    5.5 months pregnant
    40 lb front squats and hang power cleans 20 lbs.

  2. Happy birthday to your little guy!! He's a cutie!
    I hope you are feeling better Jenni

  3. 19:49
    20# squats
    20# pp
    (I'm not good on form so I went for the safer option on my back.)

  4. Resting from shin splints, so did a hiit workout from Pinterest.

    30 jumping jacks
    10 push ups
    30 squats
    10 push ups
    30 bsu
    10 push ups
    30 lunges
    10 push ups
    30 mountain climbers
    10 push ups
    30 burpees
    10 push ups
    For time of: 13:42

  5. 30:06 with frequent breaks after 2nd round.
    Subbed running for 200 JR singles. Started at 50# FS but dropped to 40 after 1st round.

    Drenched in sweat! Excellent workout woohoo!!!!

  6. 22:36, but forgot to change mi to km for the first 2 rounds!

  7. 24:21
    40# front squat to below parallel
    25# hang power cleans

  8. 14:15 for 2 rds
    55# for both 1st rd
    45# for both 2nd rd
    My body is tired!

  9. Half mile warm up.


    1st round 65lb FS – 20lb Clean
    2nd -4th rounds 45lb FS – 35lb Clean

    Half mile cool down. I did this at the end of the day and was TIRED!

  10. Did yesterday's and today's!
    6/1…..6 rounds + 74 single Jr
    Today's 23:11 outside in 85 degrees….silly!

  11. 25:44
    50 double unders for the 400m run (it's soooo humid in md)
    45# squats
    20# cleans
    This workout was a killer, I couldn't do 24 squats in a row…put weights down after first 10 then 2nd 10 then finished the 4

  12. Pat 33:37 #75 both
    Maria 34:32 #45 both
    we both added #10 to the weight from last year and addded time

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