
Wednesday 06.25.14

5 rounds for time of:
Run 600 meters
15 Squat clean thrusters

Compare to 06.25.13
no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
no preservatives
eliminate wheat


  1. Physically and mentally tired today tried a couple squat clean thrusters and just couldn't do it today!!

    Regular thrusters 20#

  2. 28:57
    20# – I focused hard on form for every single one- making sure abs were engaged.
    I wanted to give up- but I didn't. A few breaks and shaking legs at the end.

  3. 31:15
    Outside workout, 30# squat clean thrusters.
    Felt extremely slow today and had to keep stopping thrusters to get my breath! And indeed I was, last year's time was 30:01 with same weight.

  4. Did 2 spartan WOD instead
    Run/walk for 1 hour
    Total of 6 miles
    10 crunches
    10 laying leg raises
    10 crunches
    10 mountain climbers
    10 crunches
    10-30 second plank
    10 Burpees
    Did total of 3 rounds for spartan beast

  5. 28:52

    2:42 Slower than last time

    Treadmill set @ 5.5
    20# squat clean thrusters rnd 1/3/5
    Front squats rnd 2/4

    Weighted portion is reversed from last time

  6. Aprox 22:30 (timer was being funky). Treadmill, 20#. Dripping!

    How are you doing, Jenni? Been thinkin about you!

  7. 26:57
    Ran .4 each round for a total of 2
    Squat clean thrusters to below parallel

  8. Half mile warm up.


    30lb SCT

    Ran quarter mile cool down.

  9. 20:58
    I can slowly start jogging again, but only on a track. Since I ran around the track I didn't have any weights with me, so I did regular squats each round. If feels good to run again!

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