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Monday 06.23.14

3 rounds for time of:
25 Butterfly sit-ups
5 Hang squat clean, 20-30 lbs

Post time to comments.

no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
no preservatives
eliminate wheat


  1. Ran 1100m 5:17
    WOD 5:16 45#
    Ran 1100m 5:26
    WOD 5:16 45#

    Total workout time was 24:42

  2. 5:14. This was a birthday WOD for me….and my first WOD in 35 days!!!! It felt good! Also, 3 miles at an 8:10 pace. 41 is faster than 40 was so far! 🙂

  3. 4:07
    Butterfly crunches
    20# kettle bell hsc

    1 mile on elliptical

  4. 5:05. Abs on ab machine/horse. 45# dead lift, clean and press. Then group step.

  5. 5:05
    20# but I got my butt a lot lower so happy I went with lower weight.

    Biked outside 5 miles and then did and incline walk treadmill workout. Holy heck my legs are on fire but these stupid 6 pounds are coming off!

  6. 3:56, replaced bfsu w/25 crunches and 25 reverse crunches ea/round. (Diastasis). 20#

  7. 5:15
    30# HSC
    Arms crossed with BFSU

    went ahead and completed 5 rounds at 8:50

  8. 5:00
    Regular sit ups instead of butterfly

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