
Tuesday 06.10.14

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Deadlifts, 60 lbs
Pull-ups (assist as needed)

Post time to comments.

no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep


  1. 6:01
    chair assisted pull ups
    #30 DL so I doubled the reps

  2. 5:59
    20# DL – went slow focused on tight abs/ form. First DL since my disc injury
    Chair assisted pull ups

    1/2 mile in elliptical before and after wod

  3. Completed after 6/9 wod. 115# bar. Pull ups on machine. 6:53. Then taught body pump.

  4. 5:58

    40# DL
    Chair Assisted Pull Ups

    1mile walk/run after

    Feels good after being gone for so long!

  5. 6:03
    35# DL
    chair assisted pull-ups

    Working through an injury so I am using lighter weight than normal.

  6. 4:20. 40lbs (all I've got right now) and resistance band pull downs.

  7. 4:44
    60# dumbbells
    With lat pulldown bar standing on seat

  8. Jillian hard body dvd then…
    5:02 50# dl,heaviest I have
    chair assist pullups

  9. 5:48

    45# DL lowered weight so I could focus on form

    Subbed KTE on floor for pull ups

  10. 8:30
    Assisted pull ups – ft on bench behind me. Narrow pull ups, palms facing away from body…forearms are BURNINGGGG!!!!

  11. 3:46 – push press instead of pull ups

  12. 6:28 65#bar, band asst pullups. 1st 2 were unassisted.

  13. Back after several days off to recoup my knees and elbow. I have a race in a week and a half and I would like to be able to run it…..


    65 lb dl
    Green assist band for pull ups

    Then 20 push ups and 25 sit-ups and some modified hspu.
    Then 100 jump rope for bit of cardio.

  14. 7:44
    44# DL. Heaviest kettle bell I have
    PU w/assist band

  15. 7:05 lost some time because weights are in the basement but pull up bar is upstairs

  16. Pat 7:35 #115
    Maria 9:53 #75 and switched between a couple unassisited pull ups narrow and wide then jumping with slow down

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