
Wednesday 06.04.14

7 rounds for time of:
Run 250 meters
20 Butterfly sit-ups

Post time to comments.

no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food


  1. I ran 300s; couldn't figure out 250 on the track. This one was fun.


  2. 15:53

    Ran an average of 8.5mph on treadmill

    love this kind of workout 🙂

  3. 19:58
    Elliptical- realized halfway through I figured my pace wrong. Went closer to 400m the first 5 rounds.
    I love dripping in sweat 🙂

  4. Also – baby #3 is now 9 months! I am in way better shape than after the other two! Can't wait to see the changes after my 2nd 90 Day Challenge!

  5. 28 min- not sure the distance was right
    going to do 2 miles now too

  6. I don't think my distance was right because my time is really fast compared to others, and I am usually one of the slowest. 10:39.

  7. 19:13 back after baby #4, 7 weeks old 🙂 Looking forward to getting back in shape:)

  8. Did the 150 wall balls first. Then,
    Pretty sure my distance was right, but it was tricky outside on my gravel road.

    Then ran another 1.5 miles.
    Tired and my knee hurts…….

  9. 17:40 , got my speed up to 6.8 (I know still slow compared to you fast mamas but want to make a note so I can look back).

  10. 15:53
    Subbed running in place for 1:15 each round since the baby was asleep.

  11. 17:32
    Used half of my yard for 250 meters, so I added an extra half of the yard at the end. Ended up being 1 mile total. (Or roughly 1600 meters)

  12. 9:10 just realized I did this wrong after looking at other times. 1 I did 8 rounds and 2 I only ran 250 ft not meters!

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