
Thursday 05.22.14

Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Thrusters, 20 lbs

Post rounds completed to comments.

no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake


  1. 7 rnds. Did 10 strict pull ups; the rest were with my band. 30# thrusters.

  2. 8 rounds
    20 lb thrusters
    Box assisted pull-ups for getting up to bar

  3. 12 rounds
    first 8 round were unassisted pull ups
    thrusters #20

  4. 11 rounds
    Jumping pull ups but my jump is getting smaller!!

  5. 14 rounds
    Kitchen table for pull ups. Starting to wish I had a pull up bar.
    20# thrusters

  6. 9 rounds

    Then I ran.

    400m 1:54
    800m 3:55
    1200m 6:33
    800m 3:51
    400m 2:04

    Total workout was 37:11.

  7. 9 rounds

    Then I ran.

    400m 1:54
    800m 3:55
    1200m 6:33
    800m 3:51
    400m 2:04

    Total workout was 37:11.

  8. 10 rounds. First 3 rounds jumping pull ups and 75# thrusters. Then machine assisted pull ups 70# assistance and 45# thrusters. Then body pump.

  9. 10 rounds
    50# for 7 rounds
    40# for 3 rounds
    jumping pull ups

    Maura Sumpter – Way to go with 75# thrusters!

  10. 13 rds + 5 PU + 5 thrusters in 11 mins (my stupid phone alarm didn't go off again!!)

    For PU first 2 rounds standing on box no assist, next few rounds teeny jumps, and last few rounds jumping pull ups with slow drop. 20# thrusters.

  11. 13 Rounds +Pull ups
    Band assist pull ups
    20 lb thrusters

    Ran 4.75 miles

  12. 10 rounds plus 3 pull ups when timer went off. Finished 2 pull ups after timer.
    30# thrusters

  13. 10 rounds + PUs from 11th in 10 mins. went ahead and finished 11th round.
    Ran 6k

  14. 7 full rounds + 5 pullups (10.13)

    Assisted pullups using machine

  15. Pat 10rds #65

    Maria #8rds #35 and did 2 pull ups each round then jumping with slow let down

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