
Tuesday 05.20.14

50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Butterfly sit-ups
Kettlebell swings, 20 lbs

Post time to comments.

no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake


  1. Opted for crossfit.com WOD today
    100 m walking lunges (85 for me)
    800 m run
    100 squats

    12:31 outdoors

  2. Warmed up with yesterday's WOD

    12:22 arms crossed BSU
    30# KB swing

    Denise ~ that one looks fun 🙂

  3. 11:20
    Crunches for bsu
    Overhead extensions with squat for kb

  4. 16:10 first and last round arms crossed, half middle three rounds arms crossed. 15 lb swings

  5. 14:04. 15# KB (all I have)

    I have slow sit ups. 🙂 But my bum must be getting smaller b/c my tailbone is totally bruised after that one!

    1. Oh yes. My hubby bought me a big, thick mat and no more rear rub!

  6. 12:48 – 35 lb KB
    This is so nice to have people to compare times with and see where you are at! 🙂

  7. 15:23
    I have new 35# kb…OMG it's heavy!
    I used 35# for 15-15-10-10-10…rest were 25#

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