
Thursday 05.08.14

For time:
64 Pull-ups (assist as needed)
8 Front squats, 30-40 lbs

Post time to comments.

no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm


  1. 3:24
    40 chair assist pu
    24 bench dips
    50# squats

  2. 9:20
    Did crossfitmom version.
    3 rounds
    20 pullups
    15 overhead squats
    Jumping pullups for me and 20 lbs for OH squats

    Ran 2 miles before WOD

  3. Ran 5 miles. Took 4 sec off my average pace 🙂
    Kitchen table for pull ups
    30# squats

  4. 4:57
    Chair asst, chest to bar pull ups
    20# overhead, below parallel squats

    I woke up in the middle of the night b/c my hip flexors were aching from the sprints yesterday. I really should stretch better!

  5. 9:40. Ish. Had to save the baby from falling down the stairs several times. Black, then purple band. 30#

  6. Low on time today. Did workout from 3/18/14

    BPU, bench dips, BFSU

    TIME WAS 5:16. Beat last time of 5:56!!!

    10 min on bike LVL 4

  7. 10 real pull-ups
    the rest step-up to pull-up
    #30 squats

  8. did Denise's workout (above), I liked the idea of breaking up the pull ups and doing more squats, thanks Denise!
    first 9 pull ups unassisted, rest chair assisted
    #20 OH squats

  9. 6:31
    20 pull ups
    15 30# squats
    20 push ups (wrist won't take that many pull ups)
    15 30# squats
    20 pull ups
    15 30# squats

    23 kte in 1 minute


  10. 4:37

    32 pull ups with purple band, then 32 with Fat green band.

    45 lb FS

    Ran five miles in 36:52

  11. Pat 8:00 #135
    Maria 11:10 1/2 unassisted pull ups 1/2 jumping…then did n extra 5 with Pat assisting #65 FS (I think I could added more weight)

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