
Monday 04.28.14

10 rounds of:
1 minute of running
Rest 15 seconds
30 seconds of bench dips
Rest 15 seconds
Post total distance run and dips completed to comments.


no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks


  1. total run 1.34 (8.5 mph on treadmill)

    total bench dips 278

    Happy Monday everyone and have a great week!

  2. Not sure of the distance on my runs. Ran 30 sec out and 30 sec back.
    280 bench dips

    1. I'm estimating about 2200 km based on google pedometer.

  3. Subbed running around house , no distance.
    315 dips
    Ran 3.16 mi

  4. Storming and don't have treadmill. Did wod from archives:
    15:05 for
    5 Kte on floor
    10 Deadlifts, 75#
    15 sit-ups
    50 jumping jacks
    Repeat 5-10-15
    100 jj
    Repeat 5-10-15
    150 jj
    Repeat 5-10-15
    200 jj
    My calves were on FIRE!!

  5. Had a hard time keeping an eye on the clock. So I clocked the first round then did 10 rounds of the same distance and 25 dips without any rests.
    Total distance 2 miles
    Total time 18:21

  6. 1.06 miles, treadmill

    Did 183 tricep dips to be nice to my shoulder. 5# db in each hand.

  7. 1.4 miles
    157 dips (poor, weak arms!)

    Looking at my mileage from last Tuesday it looks like I may have done an extra round last time.

  8. Surely you mean Meters not kilometers Becky? IF not AMAZING! 🙂

  9. My times don't look right!

    .75 mile and 120 dips. I lost track of the 15 second rest so stopped taking it but kept an eye on the timer for the 30 sec of dips.

    Started with a 20 min interval run and then finished up with some glutes and legs.

  10. Ran on treadmill 1 mile. Forgot paper to track bench dips so I estimate about 200

  11. Did not want to work out today.

    Warm up .5 miles

    Total Miles 1.50 – 9mph on TM
    Total BD – 211 – All the way to the floor

    Ran 1.50 miles – total 3.50 Miles

    10 Pull ups – assisted with small purple band
    15 Push ups
    20 BSU
    Handstand for 30 Sec

  12. jumping jacks and run in place/high knees inside
    107 tricep dips (assuming that's what a bench dip is)

  13. 1500 Meters Run in total
    252 Bench Dips
    (Need to watch form on future bench dips)

  14. Ran 1.5 miles in 14:20

    Then did 2 rounds of 15 reps in 9:25
    Dips, squat w/ 40#, dead lift 40#, BFSU, PU w/ double shoulder tap, KB swing 20#.

    Then walked hills 15 min

  15. 1.25 miles

    203 dips – my arms were burning

    I ran my first obstacle race on Sunday. Booya! It was so fun I am signing up for a 4 mile one in June. 🙂

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