
Monday 03.31.14


With a single 20 lb kettlebell:
21 Sumo dead lift high pull
50 Swings
21 Overhead squats, left arm
50 Swings
21 Overhead squats, right arm
50 Swings
21 Sumo dead lift high pull

Post time to comments.

no caffeine
no soda  
only fruit or veggie snacks
  no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake 
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
no preservatives
eliminate wheat
finish strong!


  1. 12:20
    25 lbs for KB swings (with breaks) and SDHP
    20 lb for overhead squats (couldn't hold it up whole time with single arm so I did more of a one-armed press)

  2. 9:50
    Couldn't hold wait up for overhead press so did those with DB on shoulder

  3. 13:20, 25# all, lots of breaks
    Couldn't hold weight overhead and squat so did front squats instead. After we finished, I did 21 shoulder presses with 10# in each hand to get extra shoulder work I missed.

  4. 14:20 I couldn't hold the weight overhead with 1 hand , front squats instead. Lots of breaks !

  5. 9:08 one arm overhead was tough – felt off balance the whole time and took a couple breaks
    Finished up with 3 sets of sprint recovery (30 sec/60 sec) – doesn't seem like much but sprint work is tough!

  6. 11:38. Heading for a run now- it's finally not freezing outside 🙂

  7. 17.24 but I accidentally added 50 swings at the beginning and end. Oops

  8. 9:48 but I read some comments before and glad I did. Kept my squats to my 10lb KB and was able to keep that form. I'll get some extra shoulder work in later with my shred workout.. Still freezing here. Will spring ever show up???

  9. 9:12; gave my single arm some assisting with the other arm on the elbow.

  10. 8:14
    20# high pulls
    20# swings for 2 rounds. Last round was 10#
    Squats were 6/21 of 10# $ 15/21 20#

  11. 9:59 Rx – it was helpful to have a stability ball behind me for balance and depth on the overhead squats.

  12. 12:03

    front squats with weights instead of overhead squats

  13. Man that was hard! Lots of stops and completely missed the 50 swings in the middle. Everything as rx'd

  14. Ran 4.5 miles


    35lbs for SDHP and KB swings
    15lbs for 1 armed OH squats

  15. 9:16
    Had to hold weight with both hands for squat. Rest as rxd

  16. about 11 min.

    (after pushing kid in stroller up hills for 20 min.)

  17. 8:59

    Only alteration on left OH squat used 12# and did 25 reps. Should still a little sore.

    3 min bike warm up.
    30 incline sit-ups w/20# MB
    10 min bike ride LVL 4

  18. 8:10
    15# kettle bell is heaviest I have.
    Holy cow… I'm not sure how to do a real squat with one weighted hand overhead. That's was pretty awkward…
    Good work out.

  19. 10:08
    OHS 10#. Couldn't hold 20# on each arm so had to drop weight.
    Used 15# dumbell for swings since I don't have a kettle bell
    And 20# for SDHPs
    Happy Monday, mamas!!!

  20. 10:16 with 15#. After not working out for over a week-I feel it!! I could really push out the swings, but this was a struggle. Also squats ended up resting weight on shoulder-need to work on flexibility.

  21. 11:24 as rx'd + 50 more swings to finish
    1st time for the one arm squats – interesting and hard!

  22. 9:05
    25# kb for swings and sumo
    5# for one handed squats

    30 burpees

  23. About 9 minutes, I had to stop and take a call (on call tonight so I had to answer!) and stopped the timer on my phone. 10-20 pounds interchanging, couldn't do many 1 arm squats so I did 1 arm presses with the squats.

    Any news on how Jenni's surgery went? Hope she's doing ok.

  24. Ran 1.5 miles to warm up


    SDHP – 25#
    KS – 20 #
    OHS – 20#

    Ran 2.75 Miles Total 4.25 miles.

    TIRED and the OHS with one arm in the air were awkward! But I did it and was pretty happy with that.

  25. 12:25 as rx'd
    what a fun workout, my legs are burning, burning, burning!

  26. 13:38 first time back in the gym since getting pregnant nearly two years so pleased I got through it.
    SDHP 10kg (22lb)
    All the rest 6kg (14lb) no 8kg around the gym
    Need to keep it up got a long way to get back to my pre baby size and fitness.

  27. 9:46
    15# for swings, sumos & DL
    10# for OH squats

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