
Wednesday 03.19.14

Run 1 mile.

Post time to comments.

no caffeine
no soda  
only fruit or veggie snacks
  no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake 
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
no preservatives
eliminate wheat


  1. 7:50*–on track at FHN
    It's been a while since I did the mile and I didn't go hard enough today.

  2. 8:56-treadmill
    My personal best!!!
    I just want to praise the Lord I have a tail bone problem and the Dr. Wouldn't do anything. Then I found a chiropractor who helped me last year around this time and since then I have been slowly getting stronger. Last year at this time it took me 15 minutes for one mile. And today I did it under 9. I never would of thought. Praise the Lord!!!

  3. 9:10 on treadmill
    Better than I was running, I always do better running outside I've noticed. I think I just get bored on the treadmill.

  4. 8:32 on treadmill

    I'm like Kasey…I always run faster outside, but it's too cold and windy for me today!

    Followed up with 25 min HIIT workout (TurboFire)

  5. 8:32 on treadmill

    I'm like Kasey…I always run faster outside, but it's too cold and windy for me today!

    Followed up with 25 min HIIT workout (TurboFire)

  6. 9:08 outside
    Not bad for just getting back into it! 😉

  7. Ran 3 miles before and 1.5 mile cool down after


    Outside in rain. Was trying to go under 6.

    Finished with tabata (BFSU and supermans)

  8. 8:02

    Then did 21-15-9

    Raised hip thrusts w/ 12# MB
    BSU w/ 12# MB
    Jump Lunges w/ 12# MB

    Total time 14:36

  9. 13:23
    Modified because I can't run 1 mile straight (knees)

    30 pull ups

    200m run

    21 thrusters #65

    200m run

    21 thrusters #65

    200m run

    30 pull ups
    Used purple band for all pull ups

  10. In high school I remember doing the mile. Probably had to walk half of it. Not in great shape.

    Today: 3 kids, 6 months postpartum, and 30 yrs old – I ran the mile in 8:04! I am awesome!

  11. No running. I pulled a WOD off Carrots'n'cake blog:


    Wall balls
    box jumps
    Deadlift, 75#

    It was really tough.

  12. This morning I did tabatas of cleans, box jumps, push ups & overhead squats.
    After reading everyone's awesome times and new PR's I pushed myself hard and set a new PR for myself at
    Thanks for keeping me motivated ladies! Great job today!!

  13. I haven't done a mile run for time since high school (13 yrs ago!) and at that time it was 8 something.

    Now, at 30 years old, with two babies, I ran a 6:25! Yippee! That was on the treadmill and typically I am faster outside, so I will have to do it again when all the snow melts.

    Did a half mile warm up, and then 2.75 miles after the mile for a total of 4.25.

  14. 8:48
    Ran a 8:26 mile yesterday. Different route today, big circle and 2 cul-de-sacs.

  15. 12:30
    30 pull ups
    200m run
    21 thrusters #20
    200m run
    21 thrusters #20
    200m run
    30 pull ups
    Used blue band for all pull ups

  16. 9:17. Then did 2 more for total time of 29:50. Met my goal of under 30 mins.

  17. still cant run for distance til a couple more weeks
    cycled 6 miles in 30 mins

  18. Treadmill run
    Not fast but my first sub ten minute mile and one of few times I've run a mile without having to stop
    Feeling proud!

  19. 12:05 first time running in months-weather no treadmill; I think I did a PR! Gonna work towards a 10 min mile.

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