
Thursday 03.13.14


4 rounds for time of:
Run 200 meters
11 Thrusters, 20 lbs
Run 200 meters
11 Push press, 20 lbs
Run 200 meters
11 Bench press, 20 lbs

Post time to comments.

 Happy Birthday Loren.
 Hiit Dad Loren 
(Hero WOD 2013)

no caffeine
no soda  
only fruit or veggie snacks
  no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake 
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
no preservatives


  1. 21:06 #24 lbs , did an extra 200 meters. I don't have a treadmill so I guesstimatesd the length of my basement!

  2. Ugh, timer malfunction.

    Subbed 100 SJR for the running; too icy outside. Used 30# for first two rounds, 40# for last two rounds.

  3. 19:47
    Subbed 100 jump rope for run….8" of snow on sides of road again!!

  4. 15:28 as rxed
    Had to slow my pace on a couple of runs because my 4.5-year-old was running with me 🙂
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOREN!!! Nice calves 😉

  5. 26:22
    My 200 was not measured correctly? I will have to re measure it.

  6. Ran 4.5 miles

    Ran on treadmill
    35lbs on thrusters & PP
    Subbed boy push ups for bench

    Great workout. Love it when I sweat.

  7. Help please! Is there an app where I can measure the meters (400,200,1000) when I run. I run my sidewalk around my block not to safe btw I have an android. Thanks, mamas!

    1. I convert the meters to miles and use the Nike running app. After a while, you get to know what routes equal a certain distance.

    2. I think both of those are for iPhone. When I had android I used Endomondo.

  8. 21:38
    Subbed 10 burpees for runs (still really cold outside). 30# for all.

    Really had to fight through last round. Dripping sweat and breathless!

  9. 25:47 subbed Alternating 100's of JR And JJ for running. All else as rq'd. Happy Thursday, mamas!!!

  10. 23:45

    Altered workout for my treadmill.

    4 Rounds:
    1/2 mile run
    11Thruster 22#
    11 PushPull 22#
    11 Chest Press on Bosu with hip raised 22#

    Happy Birthday!

  11. 17:10 with many interruptions from my two year old potty training son….

    25 lb thrusters & push press
    35 lb bench press

    6:40 min pace

    Half mile warm up. Ran 1 mile at the end plus .25 mile cool down.

    Lots of running this week! My legs are getting tired.. 🙂

  12. Trying to get back into the habit, so this is my first WOD in a while.


    Question: do you stop your timer if you need a breather or let it run?

    1. Let it run to take a breather. That's part of how you get faster next time you do this wod…fewer breathers as you get stronger 🙂

  13. I only stop the timer if it's a major interruption, like my son pooping in his unders…. If I just need to take a minute and breath, that is on my timer.

  14. 17:06 as rx'd.

    Usually any running in a workout makes me feel like a weak-sauce but this one made me feel strong! Guess I am more of a sprinter. 🙂

    Also, I tried stopping and restarting the treadmill the 1st time, but it was a big time waster so I just left it running and jumped on and off.

  15. 16:13 as RX'd, ran outside on a track. I think i push myself so much more when I am not on a treadmill. Plus it was 67 degrees and sunny today so there was no way I was doing this indoors!


  16. @ jenelle, "my son pooping in his unders " LOL unders, love it! What us mommy's got to do
    just to get a workout in!

  17. 3 rounds in 20 minutes before a car creeped me out bc it is late.

  18. I am new to this, I'm guessing close to 25min. Holy cow am I sweating.

  19. 22:45 used an elliptical for first time. Didn't show millage so I guessed how long it would take me to run 200 meters and did it that long each time

  20. Tell me about it Steph! He was literally talking to me the WHOLE time. I tried to explain to him that I COULDN'T talk and please just play with your playdough… not so much….. He also had to pee so I had to jump off the TM, put him on the potty (which I brought into the room with us) and then jumped back on the TM ran for a few more seconds, jumped off, helped him pull up… etc… what a workout! 🙂

  21. 25:44
    Ran for .12 miles at 8.0 speed

    20lbs for all lifting

    😉 Sweating like crazy!

  22. 20:25
    40# Thrusters & 40# Push Press. Subbed Full Pushups for Bench Press

  23. 12:01, ran for 30 seconds around the house for each run, obviously wasn't equivalent as my time is much faster than everyone's! 20 #'s for all.

  24. 19:36
    3 rounds
    subbed push ups for bench press

  25. DYING. Literally just laid down on the gym floor. Ha!
    .12 on treadmill for 200s

  26. 28:22*
    Outside 20 lbs
    35 degrees.
    I took forever! Easy does it 😉

  27. 22:19 20# all
    Took a little bit between runs to figure how to restart treadmill from where I left off at hotel but after the first round was a pro

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