Tuesday 03.04.14
In front of a clock set for 12 minutes:
4 minutes of hang squat clean, 20-30 lbs
4 minutes of jump rope
4 minutes of burpees
Post sum of hang squat clean, jump rope and burpee reps to comments.
no caffeine
no soda
only fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
HSC 30#: 75
SJR: 420
Total Reps: 538
HiitMamas Burpee Playlist (complied of suggested songs by commenters): http://open.spotify.com/user/lindyhopkins/playlist/6ARPpPKBfdFoOLY6Am2e7q
54 hang squat cleans 20 lbs
418 jump rope
55 burpees
Oops, sum 527
61 HSC
? jump rope, lost count
64 burpees 1/2 with jump
48 hsc
308 jump rope
25 burpees
Total 381
23 burpees,
168 jump rope (stinkin rope kept dragging on the carpet)
34 hsc, 30#
225 total
54 HSC- 25#
420 sjr
48 burpees
total: 522
50 hsc, 35#
300 jr (kept getting tangled in my feet)
36 burpees
Total: 386
65 cleans 20 lb
500 jumprope
30 burpees
total: 595 🙂
HSC:lost count…maybe 67? first 25 with #30 then switched to #20
JR: 355….while getting coached by my husband on form
B: 47 maybe??
2 mile run
42 hsc #25
445 jump rope
42 burpees
Total= 529
50 hang squat cleans, 20 lbs; 150 jump ropes, 30ish burpees. Total- 230
55 squat cleans (20 pounds)
385 jump rope (with a potty break in there because I've delivered 3 kids 😉
50 burpees
Total – 490
Ran 4.5 miles
55 HSC. 35lbs
590 SJR
58 burpees
Total: 703
Hit mamas northglenn
Sharadee 505 jump 47 hang 38 burpees 585 TOTAL
Shawntae 50 burp 400 jump 50 hang 500 TOTAL
Karissa 82 cleans 310 jump 22 burpees 414TOTAL
35# Hang cleans: 60
Single jump ropes: 340
Total: 463
47 hangs
337 jump ropes
couldn't do the burpees, wrist wouldn't take it today. instead I did 5 burpees, 1 min. plank, 45 bpu
20lb bar
50-squat clean
263- jump rope
48- burgee jump. No push up.
60 HC w/ 30#
453 JR
35 burpees
total: 548
44 HSC
384 JR
49 burpees
2 mile spin
25 butterfly sit up
Total reps 692
HSC: 60
JR: 582 ( I think all the double under practice has made me faster!)
Burpees: 50 at the buzzer
65 hsc 25# to below parallel
435 jr
36 burpees
536 total
60 HSC butt to floor, 20 lbs
400 JR
47 burpees, body to the floor
2x500m runs with 1 minute rest btw for warm-up
2x500m runs with 1 minute rest btw to finish
Ran 3 miles then
477 (36, 396, 45). HSC with 30#.
35 SC
342 JR
30 burpees
310 Total
48 hang squat clean
375 jump rope
40 burpees
Total 463
Wow! These numbers are amazing… Great job mamas!! Mine were not as high but still proud! 28 (half w/ 45#), 200, 25= 253 total
53 squat cleans 20 lbs
480 sjr
42 burpees
Total – 575
No sleep overnight with stomach flu but got better this evening.
51 hsc
120 jr
37 bpe
208 total
At least I got some work on my jump rope.
54 HSC 30#
424 JR
38 Burpees
Kicked my butt because I haven't workout out since thurs. But glad I'm back at it!
Happy Tuesday, mamas!!!
Have been on vacation, then sick. First wod in a while. Rough!
56 hang Cleans
312 Jr
29 burpees
Have been on vacation, then sick. First wod in a while. Rough!
56 hang Cleans
312 Jr
29 burpees
40 hsc 30lbs bar
329 jump rope
30 burpees
45 squat cleans 30#
39 attempted double unders
50 burpees
Plus ran 1 mile before workout.
Did have to stop time to take a quick phone call.
Total 134
Cleans 20#- 70
Jump rope- 304
Burpee- 78
Total- 452
Then ran 2.99 miles
Did on 3/5 before 3/5 WOD
51 hsc, 20#
410 jumprope
36 burpees
497 total
30hsc (5×45#, 25x 30#)
425 jr
480 total
Wow, seriously impressive numbers.
Kicked my butt today.
HSC – 30 lbs – 60 -deep squat way past 90
SJR – 262 – kept getting tangled
Burpees – 48 – HATE BURPEES!
60 HSC, 30#
411 jump rope
40 burpees
Pat 23 #95, 400, 43
Maria 40 #35, 342, 40
Hang cleans: 54
Single jump ropes: 327
Burpees: 38
Total: 415
35# bar
Horrible jump rope
Full burpees.
Then finished 3/13 wod. Then body pump.