
Wednesday 02.19.14

7 rounds for time of:
7 Push press,  20 lbs
7 Butterfly sit-ups
7 Burpees

Compare to 02.19.13

no caffeine
no soda  
only fruit or veggie snacks
  no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake 
3 glasses of water a day


  1. Did this in January (9:33, 35#) so did Monday's wod today since we missed it.

  2. 11:00. Broom handle. Bwahahaha. First time back for this couch potato.

  3. 13:26 as rx'd
    I like the smaller sets for burpees so I can focus on form, thanks!

  4. 6:58
    6.5 weeks post partum
    Subbed mountain climber planks for sit-ups to accommodate diastasis

  5. 6:55
    1st two rounds 40# pp, last 5- 30#
    My goal was sub-7 minutes!

  6. Last February my time was nearly 10 minutes! Woohoo for awesome progress!

  7. 9:37 as rx'd.

    Man my arms are tired from yesterday! Chair asst pull ups work arms way better than jumping pull ups!

  8. I made it in 9:00, 30# pp

    Thought I had a pretty good time until I read the other comments! You inspire me, ladies!

  9. 20# pushu press
    No pushups in burpees
    Time: 5:54

  10. 6:53

    25 lbs push press

    Ran 3.5 miles

    Shouldn't today be Day 43 of the 90 Challenge? It said Day 38 three days in a row…

  11. Holy cow. Did 2/19 workout first and could only finish five rounds. 10:15. 25#

  12. 6:59 20#push press. Arms crossed 3rd-7th rounds
    Added 30 more burpees extra after time.

  13. Improved by 3 minutes & 15 pounds!
    Been doing hiitmamas for 1 year this month. Love it!

  14. 10:13 vs. 9:59
    30lb pp
    Bsu arms crossed
    Longer time, but more weight and better form.

  15. 9:50

    Feeling very slow, can't seem to get over my cold and it is slowing me down.

  16. 7;09 (I think. Kids messed with timer and were crawling all over me)
    Chest to floor on burpees

  17. 8:01
    Still feeling under the weather… Stupid cold!

  18. 12:30
    20# PP
    Crossed arms on BFSU
    push-up burpees for all 7 rounds

  19. 9:49
    8 reps each in last set for a nice round 50 total (a bit OCD lol)

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