
Tuesday 02.04.14

For time:
21 Thrusters, 20-30 lbs
21 Sumo deadlift high-pulls, 20-25 lbs
15 Thrusters, 20-30 lbs
15 Sumo deadlift high-pulls, 20-25 lbs
9 Thrusters, 20-30 lbs
9 Sumo deadlift high-pulls, 20-25 lbs

Post time to comments.

no caffeine
no soda  
only fruit or veggie snacks
  no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol


  1. I did a workout from Carrots'n'cake first.
    5 rounds for time:
    250 jump rope
    10 wall balls
    10 pushups


    Then today's WOD:

    3:15 as rx'd. Went on to do one last round of 6 thrusters and 3 SDHP for a total of 3:40.

  2. Brand new here post late term loss, so I'm starting from scratch!


    15# KB (its all I have at the moment)

  3. 3:37
    50lb thrusters
    35lb sdhp

    I love the short, sweet ones. It's like ripping off a band-aid. It's pretty rough, but it's over quick! 🙂

  4. I finally have 20 lb weights!! I told myself it's only 4 additional pounds I can do it. Wow did my arms feel those 4 extra pounds!

    4:07. But I stuck with my weigh and didn't go back down to 16 lbs. WIN!

    Now it's time to spin!

  5. 3:28

    20# Thrusters
    20# SDLHP

    Went ahead and did three sets with one minute rests between. Great workout!

  6. 6:37
    40lb thruster
    35lb sumo

    This took me way longer than expected. Moving + holidays + not working out hardly at all = OUCH plus my legs are super sore from doing Karen yesterday! Darn wall balls! Great WOD. Thank you!

  7. Medina sisters:
    Added running up and down stairs 4,3,3 after each sumo lift.
    20 lbs for thrusters
    20 lb sumo

  8. Did Mondays workout first, then this. 4:24, 25# thrusters and #15 sumos. Second week back after a five month hiatus with my second baby!

  9. 3:13 30# thrusters, 20# sdlhp
    Then did 500 jump ropes for about 10 min.

  10. 4:25
    40# thruster
    35# sumo

    30 burpees
    I have had a rough couple of days, but happy I took the time to do this quick workout. Really helped me feel better.

  11. 4:13 25# for both first set, 20# for sdhp on the rest

  12. As Rx'd
    24 thrusters
    24 shp

    3 miles plus sprint interval
    5:00 of assisted pull ups

  13. Katie- 3:15 24# thrusters, 20# sumos
    Lori- 5:14 30# thrusters, 20# sumos big kudos to Lori for a weight increase! She is getting stronger!

  14. 3:22
    30# for both, did a day late due to hectic schedule yesterday

  15. Started this wod yesterday- and during my second set of thrusters something popped in my back- so I stopped.
    I rested last night and it feels ok today- I went with lighter weights to be safe.
    20# for both

  16. 2:48

    20 lbs for both. Should have done more, but i was tired and feeling lazy before hand.

    Ran 3 miles in 22:45

    15 Burpees

  17. 7:49
    65 lbs for thrusters
    18 kg bell.

    Trying to lift a little heavier than usual. 🙂

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