Monday 02.03.14
In front of a clock set for 15 minutes:
1 minute of Squats
2 minutes of Double-unders
3 minutes of Push-ups
4 minutes of Back extensions (Supermans)
5 minutes of Pull-ups (assist as necessary)
Post number for each exercise and total reps for 15 minutes to comments.
no caffeine
no soda
only fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
Squats 39
JR (tried double unders in basement but went to single eventually) I think it was 144
Push-ups 57
Back extensions 140
Jumping Pull-ups and slow descent 54
Total 434
Squats 59
Single JR 215
Boy Pushups 60
Back Ex 100
Pull Ups w/band 38
Squats- 38
Jr- 138 (single$
Pu- 65
Supermans- 112 (feet curled)
Pull up- 48. (Jump up/ slow down)
Total- 401
I liked that one!
I went backwards (only 1 pull-up bar for 2 people)
Pull-ups: 20 band, 10 jump, 30 chair
Supermans: 100
GPU: 60
15" box jumps (sub for double unders): 25
Squats: 45
Squats – 44
Sub jacks – 136
Boy PU – 64
Superman – 131
Jumping / chair pull-ups (very assisted!) – 70
30 squats
193 single jumps
13 full push-ups, 30 knee push-ups
100 supermans
46 pull-ups jump assisted
25 squats
214 single jump rope
50 gpu
149 supermans
60 beginner pull ups (bar down low)
35 Squats
205 Double-unders
50 push-ups
50 supermans
50 assit pull-ups
squats – 44
Single JR – 275
Boy PU – 66
Back Extensions – 143
Pull ups – 48 with kitchen table
Total = 576
Hiit mamas northglenn
Shawntae 47 sq 120 jump jacks 77 pu 100 bx w/ 30 leg lifts 60 pull
Lauren 40 sq
Squats 35 butt to floor
170 single jump rope
10 push ups 55 mpu
110 supermans
48 jump up lower down pull ups (used a stool through part)
Ran 4.5 miles
51–double unders
68–boy push ups
41–unassisted pull ups
Total 367
I also went backwards because only one bar for 2 people.
Pull-ups(jumping)- 76
Supermans- 110
Push-ups- 30 regular and 26 gpu
Double-unders- I was able to actually do these, but struggled with do them in a roll. I lost count and don't know how many I actually did.
Squats- 36
5.5 mile run
38 – squats
220 – pretend jump rope
56 – gpu
101 – supermans
52 – jumping pull-ups
39 – Squats
121- Singles 5 DU total 126
60 – GPU
120 – BE
90 – Chair Assisted PU
= 430
32 squats
120 single- did a few double unders
75 gpu
85 back extensions
85 pull up- jump pull ups
2 mile run before
44 squats
283 single jump rope
65 push-ups (OUCH!)
111 back extensions (Quadruple OUCH!)
53 assisted pull-ups (band)
I did Fran twice this weekend, so lots of pull-up practice.
53 (purple band)
41 squat
156 reg jumps
40 pushups girls
103 superman
112 20# pull downs
Squats: 31
Single jump rope 230
Gpu ( hurt my elbow) 80
Back extensions: 150
Jumping pull ups: 70
30 squats
Attempted double unders but ended up doing singles and did not keep track of amount
54 push-ups
98 supermans
53 jump assisted pullups
Hiked 3 miles
31 squats
241 single jump rope
54 push ups on knees
92 superman's
76 jumping pull up's.
32 squats
200 single jr
75 push-ups. Half bpu and half gpu
115 supermans
72 jumping pull-ups
45 squats
132 single jump rope
60 girl push-ups
69 super mans
184 pull downs instead of pull-ups
38 squat
112 (subbed jump jacks)
75 gpu
105 supermans
77 jumping pull ups (band comes tomorrow!!)
128 jumping jacks
78 gpu
57 assisted PU
3 mile run
squats 30
jump rope 194
push ups, 60 first 10 bpu
superman's 111
pull ups and dips 120
316 total
30 squats
108 jumping jacks
60 bpu
118 back extensions
Skipped pull-ups. Was at home no pullup bar.
Shoveled snow for over an hour so I'm hoping that makes up for pull-ups
33 squats-ass to calves
127 regular jump rope -still trying to practice double under
53 push ups wide and narrow
35 pullups jumping and band assited
388 total
42 butt to floor squats
36 double unders
70 GPU
140 curling back extensions
100 jumping pull-ups
35 squats
209 single jump rope
60 push ups
169 back ext
63 modified pull ups
Tuck Jumps for DU-28
Pull Up's with resistance bands-75
Not to shabby for my first workout after baby 5. Still a LONG way's to go though.
42 squats
248 single jumps
140 gpu
170 supermans
50 pull ups on kitchen counter 🙂
650 total
47 squats
143 single jump ropes
88 bpu
91 supermans
45 band asstd pu
=414 total
39 squats
140 single jumps
42 push ups on knees
175 back extensions
55 burpes into a squat
Katie- 37 squats,11 double unders lol, 50 bpu 20 gpu, 119 supermans, 57 jumping pullups
Lori- In order
30 squats
97 sjr
48 gpu
91assisted pus
Unfortunately I did not count. I did all reps for allotted time. Substitutes pull ups for thrusters.
Plus 5 miles
37 squats
200 single jr
74 push ups (29 knee pu)
137 back ext
81 pull ups chair assisted
49 squats
239 single jump ropes
74 push ups
125 back extensions
41 jumping pull ups
Total 320
Completed on 2/4
Squats 34
Rope 212 singles
Push ups 60 on knees
Back extensions 113
Pull ups 45 85# assist
Then 2/4 wod. Then body pump.
2/4 WOD first then:
Squats = 51
Single jump rope = 254
GPU = 51
Supermans = 149
Jumping pull ups = 76
37 squats
140 jump rope (single)
85 push ups
151 back extensions
48 pull ups (jumping)
37 squats
151 single jump
52 push-ups
103 supermans
45 pull-ups (modified)
388 total reps
34 squats
Did steps instead of dus, can't do impact activities, 108
56 gpu
90 supermans
21 pull ups w/assist
309 total reps
55 Squats – deep squat
121 Jump Rope- stupid rope kept getting tangled. Need a different one
64 Push ups – mostly Girl some boy
147 Back Ext
85 Pull Ups – green band assist
Sprinted a mile
did backwards b/c 2 of us using 1 pull up bar:
70 pull ups (30 jumping – 40 slightly stool assisted)
104 back ext
63 push ups (25 BPU)
229 single jump ropes
30 butt to floor/calves squats
and now I need to shovel snow – arms aren't moving!!
51 Squat (butt to floor)
143 Single JR (started with DU, but couldn't get them)
74 push ups
126 back extension
38 pull ups (all using band)
Total 452
– Did on correct day, forgot to post
421 total
41 squats
149 single jr
47 bpu
111 superman
73 pull ups (chair assist)
Medina sisters and Alexis:
changed things ups a bit…
1 min squats (35)
2 minutes high knees
3 minutes push ups (55)
4 minutes back extensions (75)
5 minute planks (45, 40, 35, 30, 25 second planks)
Pat 55 sq, 271 JR, 75pu, 150BE, 50pullups = 601
Maria 52 sq, 250JR, 60 boy pu, 140BE, 45 pu's band assisted= 547
1. Squats – 40
2. Single jump rope – 230
3. Push ups- 60
4. Supermans (I hate these!)-102
5. Pull ups (low bar)-70
Total- 502
It has real superior diary! I always accurately came here from that thoughts to be great viscid confront wind recording in the experience and it's real effectual.