
Friday 01.03.14

For time:
Run 1000 meters
100 Butterfly sit-ups
50 Thrusters, 20-30 lbs

Compare to 01.03.13

no caffeine
no soda 
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake 
3 glasses of water a day 
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
eliminate wheat 
finish strong!

join the challenge

start 2014 off strong!

Look for a special Saturday post tomorrow finishing off our 90 Day Challenge!!


  1. 10:45
    Rode 1000 meters on stationary bike
    10# thrusters for half of them 5# for the rest

    1. James's Family- I'm inspired by your 30 burpees after each workout. Great work!!

  2. 18:02
    Subbed 8 mins double unders for run. Today it's -33 out!
    Alt 20-30 lbs thrusters
    Variations of sit-ups for bsu

  3. 13:06
    30# thrusters, outside workout=brutal run in below freezing temps and wind. Time also includes coming inside and removing outside running gear.

  4. 11:36 ran outside where it was so cold and windy.

    20# thrusters. I feel like I'm going to puke but in a good way. Ran my 1K during in 4:31 which is a huge improvement from 5:20 at the start of the challenge.

    Great job everyone! Looking forward to the next 90 days.

  5. Starting back slowly after taking off the last 90 days

    1000m run
    50 BSU
    25 thrusters #15


  6. 12:47
    I split the whole thing up into 2 rounds, mainly to give my tailbone a break.

  7. 14:43
    30# thrusters
    600 jump rope for run

    Followed by 400 jump rope and 50 more thrusters 30#. 6:15 for that.

  8. 12:50
    50 su
    50 bicycle su
    25 20 lb thrusters
    25 10 lb thrusters

  9. 13:50

    Did BFSU without stopping. Yay me!

    20# total dumbbells for first 20 thrusters, dropped one and finished last 30 with one 10#db in both hands and sorta thrusted overhead-didn't want to smack my face 🙂


  10. 17:34 20# thrusters. BSU really slowed me down

  11. No run (still recovering from hamstring strain and ran splits yesterday)
    25 bfsu + 2:34 plank
    20# thrusters

  12. 18:31
    Rowed 2 miles for run
    25# bar for thrusters
    After walked and jogged 1 mile

  13. 10:49, 20# thrusters

    Punisher squats, 20s + 10s hold @ end
    Burpees, 30s
    Punisher squats, 20s + 10s hold @ end
    Push ups, 30s
    Punisher squats, 20s + 10s hold @ end
    Cross body mountain climber, 30s
    Punisher squats, 20s + 10s hold @ end
    Punisher squat w/ total body extension,20s + 10s hold @ end

  14. 10:58, had to shorten to only 50 BFSU's due to time constraints.

  15. 9:50
    bfsu, some w/ arms crossed
    thrusters 20#

    looking forward to another 90 days

  16. 11:25
    Subbed run for 5 rounds of 5 burpees50 jj (finished at 4:55)
    20# thrusters

  17. Looks like I forgot to post today…
    10, no 12….shoot now I can't remember my time
    All I can remember is how cold the run was
    #20 thrusters

  18. Ran a mile then
    20 lb thrusters

    Then ran 1.5 miles to make a total of three.

    Better day today. Starting to feel like my energy is coming back.

  19. 10:05
    1.23 miles on bike
    20# thrusters

    So dead

  20. Medina sisters:
    ran in place 5 minutes for 1000 meter sprint

  21. Completed on 9/10 after 9/10 wod. 12:03. 45# thrusters. Abs on ab horse/machine. Then RPM.

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