
Wednesday 12.25.13

3 rounds of:
5 squeals of joy
10 present openings
15 smiles and hugs
20 family and friends

Merry Christmas to my family of Mamas!
I love all of you! 
no caffeine
no soda 
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake 
3 glasses of water a day 
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
eliminate wheat 
finish strong!


  1. Merry Christmas, mamas!!

    Thank you for this blog; it is a gift to me 🙂

  2. Merry Christmas! Thank you, Jenni, for the year-long gift of fun fitness. And to all The Mamas for your support and encouragement!

  3. Merry Christmas ladies!!
    Stephanie, perfectly put because I look forward to each weekday workout like Christmas morning!
    Adorable Christmas card, Jenni!

  4. YAY! I wasn't going to have time to workout today anyway! Have a wonderful day mamas. See you tomorrow!

  5. Did it all and it took 1 hour 😀 merry christmas everyone!

  6. Merry Christmas Mamas! Hope Santa was good to all of you! I'm excited for the new weights and cold running gear he brought me 🙂
    This site is a gift and so is all of the encouragement you all give! Very blessed!

  7. Merry Christmas everyone! Hope your day has been fantastic!

  8. My bro-in-law got me a weighted speed rope and new lifting gloves. Excited for tomorrow!

  9. My workout took all day! 🙂

    Thank you for the break! Got a medicine ball and heart rate monitor from my husband. Merry Christmas.

  10. Merry Christmas! Thank you for the gift you give us everyday!

  11. 37:24 Had to hit the treadmill, but it worked… Almost 5 min faster than my last 5k outside…

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