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Thursday 12.05.13

3 rounds for time of:
10 Knees to elbows
Run 200 meters
10 Bar-facing burpees
Run 200 meters

Compare to 12.05.12

Post times to comments.


no caffeine
no soda 
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake 
3 glasses of water a day 
no fried food
8 hours of sleep


  1. 16:39. Burpees in the middle of the dark road. Hope I didn't scare anyone with my groaning.

  2. 12:31 treadmill
    As RX'd

    …started at 8.0 but ended at 8.9. Need to go faster next time

  3. 11:01
    Subbed 200 runs for 8 up and downs on basement stairs- Not ready to tackle the 19* windchill!
    (The stairs were killer after yesterdays squats!)

    Dripping & out of breath!

  4. 23:01
    I feel like I did it wrong or did too many bit, nope just painfully slow.

    1. I just realized I did 400m instead of 200. That's something I guess.

  5. 12:41

    I used a line of chalk instead of a bar as I'm a huge klutz and was afraid I would eat my garage floor. I imagined a bar was there tho to make myself jump higher. 🙂

    I went ahead and went on to do 4 rounds and run an 800m to bring my total workout time to 20:00. My K2E are getting better but they are only about knees to armpits.

  6. 12:21
    Standing k2e, stairs for running (more like crawling up the stairs I'm so beat!), only a couple seconds longer than a year ago

  7. Ran 4 miles then

    KTE on bar
    Bar facing burpees
    Ran on treadmill

  8. Hiit mamas northglenn
    -2 degrees so…done inside! K2e on floor jump burpees and 50 jump jacks for run
    Shawntae 9:10
    Lauren 16:50
    Sharadee 11

  9. I'm going to the gym in just a few minutes. Question: on things like the bar facing burpee, does one side of the bar count as one rep or do both sides of the bar count as one?

  10. 10:16
    Inside workout with 28 degree windchill. Subbed 100 JR for runs

  11. 13:55
    Kte on floor
    Box burpees I don't know what bar burpees are.

  12. 12:04
    DYING – Saw Denise's post and upped my run speed on treadmill…sore and a little tight after yesterday's workout…still modifying the kte on bar (someday my knees will reach my elbows:) Also, I usually workout in the am and forced myself to do it this afternoon since it didn't happen this morning but felt really sluggish…but it is done!

    1. Great job Carol!!! You and your sons are competitive. I love it!!! Not sure if you know that I'm Mrs. Grimshaw-their PE teacher! So happy to hear you found this amazing resource too!

  13. 10:44
    I moved yesterday and my legs are tired! I didn't do the WOD yesterday, but I did the WOD and ran today. Before I started following this website, I NEVER would've worked out the day after a move and still had the energy to spend the rest of the day unpacking, but I feel great! 🙂 (I definitely never would've gone for a 3 mile run on Thanksgiving either.) Thanks so much for the motivation!

  14. 12:31…k2chest & messed up the order! Done though & I'm happy!

  15. 10:53
    K2e on floor

    SOOOO sore from yesterday!

  16. 11:39 – KTE on floor as I didn't have access to my bar yesterday.

  17. Hi Denise! I did figure out that you were the same person – Leah mentioned that you and Julie were doing this and gave me the link…I am loving it – and yes, I am a little competitive and use the times you guys post to challenge myself…

  18. 12:20
    1st 2 rounds with regular burpees. Did last round with bar facing. Added 10 more bar facing after time stopped.

  19. 11:48
    K2E on floor
    Then ran to finish off at 2.5 km
    And did 100 squats for fun lol

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